Import Budget Transactions

Many organizations use MS-Excel application to control budget details. The budget details can be imported to LN. To import budget transactions, use the following sessions:

  1. Budgets per Year (tfbgc1110m000)
    Select the budget to which the budget transactions must be imported. Click Import Budgets, the Import Budgets (tfbgc5100m000) session opens.
  2. Import Budgets (tfbgc5100m000)
    Click Show Budget Import Template, the budget import template spread sheet opens. Save the sheet on your local drive in the .CSV format. Click Import Budget, the Import Budget (tfbgc5200m000) opens.
  3. Import Budget (tfbgc5200m000)
    Select the spread sheet in the File Name field. Click Import. Review the confirmation message.
  4. Import Budgets (tfbgc5100m000)
    Review the budget accounts imported. Select a budget account and click Budget Amounts. The Import Budget Amounts (tfbgc5110m000) session opens.
  5. Import Budget Amounts (tfbgc5110m000)
    Review the budget amounts, modify the amounts, if necessary.
  6. Import Budgets (tfbgc5100m000)
    Click Process Imported Budget, the Process Imported Budget (tfbgc5200m100) session opens.
  7. Process Imported Budget (tfbgc5200m100)
    Select the Replace Existing Amounts option and the Create Budget Accounts check box to create new budget accounts and replace the existing amounts. Click Process button, to process the imported budgets.
  8. Budget Structure (tfbgc1130m000)
    Review the budget structure and budget accounts imported. Note: New budget accounts are created and existing budget accounts are not overwritten.