Separate ledger accounts for advance installments - setup


You can only use separate ledger accounts for invoiced and paid advance installments for sales orders and project invoices, not for service invoices.

To set up separate ledger accounts for invoiced and paid advance installments, use this sequence of sessions:

  1. CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000)

    Select the Separate Account for Paid Advance Installments check box.

  2. Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000)

    Map the integration document types for advance installments.

    For advance installments, these integration document types exist:

    • Sales Order / Advance Installment (10002094)
      LN posts the Debit side of the transaction to the Advance Invoice control account.
    • Map the Credit side to the Invoiced Advance (Interim Revenues 11) account.
    • Sales Order / Advance Installment Paid (10002093)
      Map the Debit side to the Invoiced Advance (Interim Revenues 11) account and the Credit side to the Paid Advance (Interim Revenues 12) account.
    • Currency Difference / Interim Revenues (50420012)

      The mapping of integration document types for currency differences is predefined.

    If currency differences exist between the invoiced advance installments and the paid advance installments, when the non-finalized transactions are created, LN posts the currency differences as follows:

    • Debit:
      The currency difference ledger account set up for the financial company of the invoice.
    • Credit:
      To the Invoiced Advance (Interim Revenues 11) ledger account to which you map the Credit side of the Sales Order / Advance Installment Paid (10002093) integration document type.