Assigning credit notes

You can assign credit notes to the following documents:

  • Original Invoices
  • Payment Schedules
Assigning credit notes to original invoices

You can assign a credit note to one invoice or to several invoices. You can also include credit notes, without assigning them to invoices, as a payment in the automatic payment procedure.

These two situations are illustrated below:

You can link a credit note to one invoice when you enter the credit note in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session. In the Original Invoice field, you can enter the document number of the invoice to which you want to link the credit note.

A credit note can also be related to several invoices. To assign a credit note to more than one invoice, take the following steps:

  1. In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, select a transaction type of the Sales Corrections category or the Purchase Corrections category.
  2. In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, select the record you created and click Transaction Entry on the appropriate menu. One of the sessions Assign Credit Notes to Invoices (tfacp2120m000) or Business Partner - Credit Notes (tfacr2120m000) is started.
  3. Select the credit note and link it to the appropriate purchase invoices or sales invoices.
  4. On the appropriate menu, start one of the sessions Assign Invoices/Schedules to Credit Notes (tfacp2121s000) or Assign Credit Notes to Invoices (tfacr2121m000). In these sessions you can distribute the total credit note amount over the related invoices.
  • You can only link credit notes and invoices if they have the same invoice currency and currency exchange rate.
  • In the Accounts Receivable module, LN checks if the credit note you are linking is marked as a doubtful invoice. A doubtful credit note can only be linked to a doubtful sales invoice.
  • Credit notes that are not linked to invoices are included in the automatic payment procedure. The credit note is selected for payment in the same way as normal invoices.
  • Credit notes that are linked to invoices are deducted from the total invoice amount before it is paid.
Assigning credit notes to payment schedules

If you link payment schedule to sales invoices and purchase invoices, you can assign credit notes to the payment schedule lines or receipt schedule lines.