Displaying the error log

To display the error log

To display the error messages that result from the matching and approval process, start the Error Log (tfacp2580m000) session. If you first select an invoice in the Process Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) session, LN only displays the error messages related to the selected invoice.

The error log contains all the error messages that result from matching and approval in these sessions:

  • Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) if you use these commands on the appropriate menu:

    • Approve
    • Unapprove
    • Matching
  • Match/Approve Purchase Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000)
  • Process Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)

The error log only contains error messages. LN prints the confirmation messages of the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000) session, for example, about successfully matched invoices, on a process report.

The error log contains only errors that are not yet resolved. If you run the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000) session, for the transactions within the specified range LN adds new error messages and deletes the resolved errors from the error log.

You can use the Delete Error Log (tfacp2280m001) session to manually delete messages from the error log. You only need to delete the error messages that LN cannot remove automatically. For example, you can use the Delete Error Log (tfacp2280m001) session to delete error messages that result from the unsuccessful unapproval of an invoice.


The following processes automatically delete error messages from the error log:

  • If you resolve errors and then repeat the matching and approval, LN deletes the resolved error messages.
  • If you archive and/or delete purchase invoices, LN archives and/or deletes the related error messages.