Matching purchase invoices

To match purchase invoices

You can match individual purchase invoices and freight invoices in the following ways:

  • Automatically

    Infor LN automatically matches registered purchase invoices with the specified purchase order, packing slip, or load or shipment. If the invoice can only be partially matched, you can manually match the remaining unassigned amount.

  • Manually

    You can manually match invoices if you do not know the related order number, packing slip, or load or shipment, or if you want to match the invoice with multiple orders.

  • In a job

    You can match and approve a range of Registered invoices in a background job.

To match purchase invoice lines

The invoice lines linked to the purchase invoices include the information such as, purchase order number, packing slip, and item used when matching the invoices to purchase orders, purchase receipts or landed costs. When the invoice Line Type of the invoice line is Order, the invoice line matches to purchase orders and receipts. If the invoice Line Type is Landed Costs, the invoice line matches to landed costs.

When both purchase order and packing slip are not defined on an invoice line related to order, the purchase order and packing slip of the invoice header are used to match the invoice line. The item specified on the invoice lines is used to match to purchase orders and receipts of the same item code only.

You can match the purchase invoices in two ways:

  • Invoice lines can be matched directly to purchase orders and receipts, or
  • Invoice lines determine order, packing slip and item to match the invoice to purchase orders and receipts.

When the Landed Costs concept is active, landed cost invoice lines can be matched to landed costs of purchase and warehouse receipts.

Match invoice lines directly to purchase orders and receipts

The invoice line quantity, unit price and net line amount are used when matching the invoice line to purchase orders and receipts. The invoice line can be matched automatically with a price difference. Infor LN does not allow you to match the invoice lines with the purchase orders and receipt if the price differences exceed the values in the Percentage Tolerance for Match with Price Difference and the Tolerance Amount for Match with Price Difference fields in the Automatic Matching Settings by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session or exceed Received Invoices Price Difference Tolerance field in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session. Based on the value specified in the Automatic Match Procedure field in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, the invoice lines are either matched to purchase order, or purchase receipt.

  • Match to Purchase Order
    • Purchase order lines that match with the item of the invoice line, purchase order or packing slip of the invoice line or header are matched to the invoice line. The match quantity is the minimum of the available invoice line quantity that is not matched. The matched quantity must not exceed the difference between the purchase order line quantity and the quantity of the items rejected during inspections.

    • Match to Purchase Receipt

      Purchase receipts that match with the item of the invoice line, purchase order or packing slip of the invoice line or header are matched to the invoice line. The match quantity is the minimum of the available invoice line quantity that is not matched. The matched quantity must not exceed the difference between the purchase receipt quantity and quantity of the items rejected during inspections.

    When the invoice lines are matched directly to the purchase orders and receipts, the invoice is either partially matched or fully matched. If no matches can be made, the invoice remains not matched.

  • Match invoice to purchase orders and receipts

    Invoice lines that are not directly matched to purchase orders and receipts, are selected for matching in this step. The entities such as, item, purchase order, and packing slip of the invoice lines are used to match with purchase orders and receipts. Invoice lines for which the purchase order and packing slip is not specified, the invoices are matched using the purchase order and packing slip information specified on the invoice header. When purchase orders and receipts can be matched, the available approved received quantities are matched. Infor LN allows you to match the invoices of this type based on the matching settings in the Automatic Matching Settings by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session. There are two types of settings:

    • The difference of the total net invoice line amount and the total order amount to be matched must be within the defined tolerances, or
    • Full Authorization must apply to Invoice Amount higher than Matched Amount or Invoice Amount lower than Matched Amount.

    In case of automatic matching, when matched amounts compared to the invoice amounts are within the defined tolerances, the difference of the total net invoice line amount and the total matched order amount is a price difference that is posted automatically as an additional cost line.


The automatic posting is only processed when the automatic match can be executed, therefore when no full authorization applies or amount differences exceed tolerances, automatic matching cancels, and no additional cost line is generated automatically.

Match invoice lines to landed costs

The landed cost invoice lines are matched to landed costs. Landed costs can be part of an invoice related to purchase order, when the supplier invoices landed costs together with the invoicing of purchase orders and receipts. Invoices related to landed costs can only have invoice lines for landed costs.

Automatic match of landed costs to landed cost invoice lines only starts when:

  • The landed costs concept is active; and
  • Only landed cost invoice lines are on the invoice; or
  • The landed cost invoice lines and order related invoice lines are on the invoice; and
    • The order related invoice lines are matched successfully; and
    • Receipts of the matched purchase orders are matched to the invoice lines; and
    • Invoice line quantities are fully matched to the order/receipt quantities.

When landed cost invoice lines cannot be automatically matched, the match status of the invoice remains Not Matched or Partially Matched.

Two types of invoices are matched automatically.

  • Match landed costs for invoices related to purchase order

    The landed cost invoice lines match with purchase orders and packing slip that may be present on the invoice line. Or if no purchase order and packing slip is on the invoice line, the landed cost line applies to the applicable purchase orders that are matched to the same invoice.

    The landed cost invoice lines are matched when selected landed cost lines:

    • belong to the matched receipts of the invoice; and
    • match (when available) with all the following invoice line attributes:
      • Item
      • Landed Cost Type
      • Order
      • Packing Slip
      • Payment Agreement (from Invoice)
    • the price difference amount and percentage in the Automatic Matching Settings by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session are not exceeded; or when this information is unavailable
    • the price difference amount and percentage in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) are not exceeded.

Each selected landed cost line can match no more than the open landed cost amount of the invoice, or a fraction of this amount. The fraction is defined by the matched receipt quantity and the approved received quantity of the matched receipt.

  • Match landed costs for invoices related to landed costs

    The landed cost invoice lines match with purchase orders and packing slip that may be present on the invoice line. When no purchase order and packing slip is on the invoice line, the landed cost invoice line matches with the purchase order and packing slip of the invoice header. When no purchase order or packing slip can be found, the automatic match is cancelled.

    The landed cost invoice lines are matched when selected landed cost lines:

    • Match with the order, packing slip or both; and
    • match (when available) with all the following invoice line attributes:
      • Item
      • Landed Cost Type
      • Payment Agreement (from Invoice)
    • the price difference amount and percentage in the Automatic Matching Settings by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session are not exceeded; or when this information is unavailable
    • the price difference amount and percentage in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) are not exceeded.

Each selected landed cost line can match no more than the open landed cost amount of the invoice.

The landed cost amount and invoiced amount of the matched landed cost lines and invoice lines will be distributed over the involved landed cost lines and invoice lines.

Example 1: landed cost line 1 and 2 match to one invoice line
  • landed cost line 1, landed cost amount: $ 100
  • landed cost line 2, landed cost amount: $ 300
  • invoice line, invoice amount: $ 440

Match result

Matched LinesLanded Cost AmountInvoice Line Amount
Landed cost line 1 / invoice line$ 100$ 110
Landed cost line 2 / invoice line$ 300$ 330


Example 2: One landed cost line matches with two invoice lines
  • landed cost line 1, landed cost amount: $ 900
  • invoice line 1, invoice amount: $ 700
  • invoice line 2, invoice amount: $ 300

Match result

Matched LinesLanded Cost AmountInvoice Line Amount
Landed cost line / invoice line 1$ 630$ 700
Landed cost line / invoice line 2$ 270$ 300


Information, Warning and Error messages can be logged in the Error Log (tfacp2580m000) when matching invoice lines with purchase order, receipts and landed costs.

Prerequisites for a successful landed cost matching:

  • the invoice is complete, meaning that no landed cost invoice lines are missing on the invoice.
  • landed cost lines of purchase orders and receipts in warehousing are complete, meaning no landed cost lines are missing on receipts.