Close financial periods

To close a financial period:

  1. Indicate the year for which you want to close a period.
  2. Select the module for which you want to close a period.
  3. Select the Final Closing check box to set the period status to Finally Closed.
  4. Specify a range of financial companies.
  5. Select the appropriate check boxes to specify the periods you want to close.
  6. Click the Close Periods button.

    Before you can close the periods for the General Ledger, you must close the periods for these modules:

    • Accounts Payable
    • Accounts Receivable
    • Cash Management
  • You can only specify reporting period types and period ranges if the Reporting Periods check box in the Group Company Parameters (tfgld0501m000) session is selected.
  • If the period for integration is closed, no more new transactions can be inserted in the integration tables for the closed period.
  • Before you run this session, you must close all the batches for the relevant periods in the Finalization Run Number (tfgld1609m000) session.
Closed periods

You cannot create transactions in a closed period. However, a period with the status Closed can be reopened in the Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

You cannot reopen a period that has the status Finally Closed.


Periods can only be finally closed when all the recurring invoices are posted.