Goods received not invoiced (GRNI) transactions

For GRNI transactions, you can print the report by closed purchase order to detect any differences between the closed order balance and the invoice accrual amounts. You can analyze the GRNI reconciliation group after acceptance of the reconciliation data.

You can print the following reports:

  • In the Print Reconciliation Data (tfgld4495m000) session, you can print a report based on the logged transactions in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table.

    • Select the following options:

      • Primary Selection
        Use the fields on the Primary Selection tab to set the main selection and report options.
      • Additional Print Criteria
        Use the fields on the Additional Print Criteria tab to make specific selections, especially when you print a detailed report.
      • Options

        Use the fields on the Options tab to select various other print options. The major selection options on this tab are located in the Group by and Specific Group by sections. These settings determine how reconciliation transactions are grouped together on the report. The default Group by option is based on the Basis for Final Acceptance field in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session.

        The Business Object ID check box is selected if Basis for Final Acceptance is set to one of these values:

        • Business Object ID
        • Business Object ID + Reference
        • Not Applicable

        The transactions that are grouped together are only printed if the balance of these transactions is greater than the value of the Tolerance for Printing Balances field, or greater than zero if Suppress Zero Balances is selected.

  • In the Checklist Reconciliation Goods Received Not Invoiced (tfgld4495m200) session, you can print a report based on both the logged transactions in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table and the registered purchase receipts in Procurement or the posted receipts and invoice approvals in Accounts Payable.