Process reconciliation element changes

A separate session is available in order to process the element changes for the already logged reconciliation transactions. If possible, the elements are selected from the reconciliation elements table (tfgld498). If that information is not present, the reconciliation element code will be specified, but the reconciliation element value will remain empty.


If only the position of the reconciliation element changes, the information is not read from the reconciliation elements (tfgld498) table, but from the reconciliation data (tfgld495) table. In that case, therefore, not all reconciliation elements required.

You can run the Process Reconciliation Element Changes (tcfin0220m100) session for the reconciliation groups that must be updated. All financial companies that use the same reconciliation group data, are updated. Because this process may take a long time, the following applies:

  • The session can be stopped and restarted at a later point in time.
  • Multiple bshells can be used for this session.

To set up multiple bshells, use the Parallel Processing Configuration (ttaad7520m000) session. This session lists the sessions that can be run in “Parallel Processing Mode”. This list should only include sessions that are specifically designed to run in “Parallel Processing Mode”. A session designed for “Parallel Processing Mode”, is automatically added to the list when it is run for the first time in the current company.

You can create a copy of this record (or change the current record, in which case it is changed for all users), and specify a particular user.

You can specify the number of servers that will be started for this process. We recommend that you specify a number not higher than the number of available CPUs of the server. Additionally, you must set Mode to Manual, Job Process, or Manual and Job Process.

After the process using multiple bshells is started, the update is performed much faster because the workload is divided across several bshells.

Once the process is completed for a reconciliation group, the old reconciliation elements are overwritten by the new reconciliation elements. The Element changes Checked, Accept Element Changes, and Element changes in process check boxes are cleared. If required, you can then once again change the reconciliation elements.

If the Log All Reconciliation Elements check box is selected, all possible elements are logged for the transactions. As a result, for the transactions already logged, the new reconciliation elements are also available.

If the Log All Reconciliation Elements check box is cleared, the values of the new reconciliation elements are not available for the transactions already logged. Reconciliation of these transactions based on the reconciliation elements will not be possible.


Although the Relog and Replace Logged Elements (tfgld4253m000) session allows you to relog the integration and reconciliation elements for integration or reconciliation transactions that were already logged, this session is not designed for relogging elements for large numbers of transactions.