Changing the reconciliation setup

When reconciliation setup is completed and operational, it should not be changed. Should, however, in an initial period the need for adaptations arise, LN provides a number of features that allow you to change the reconciliation setup and preserve the reconciliation options.


If reconciliation data has already been archived and deleted, changing the reconciliation setup will always affect the reconciliation options for these reconciliation areas:

  • Inventory
  • Consigned/Customer Owned Inventory
  • Assembly Line WIP

This is because the credit and debit entries in these reconciliation groups belong to different business objects.

Changing the reconciliation elements

If the Log All Reconciliation Elements check box is selected in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session, for every integration transaction the values of all available reconciliation elements are logged in a separate table (tfgld498). For each reconciliation group, up to five reconciliation elements can be set up. For some reconciliation groups, for example, Inventory, WIP and Accrual, we recommend that you set up reconciliation elements in order to do proper analysis afterwards.

First reconciliation element at the top level

The first reconciliation element should be the top level, in order to view or print data from high level to detailed level. For example, for Inventory you could specify ‘Warehouse’ as first element, followed by ‘Item Group’, followed by ‘Item’.

If you set up reconciliation for the first time, we recommend that you select this check box for the reconciliation groups. To improve performance, you must clear this check box once you are satisfied that the reconciliation group setup is correct. LN then only logs the reconciliation elements that you have assigned to the reconciliation group.

If reconciliation elements are not selected before reconciliation transactions are logged or if reconciliation elements must be changed, you can change the reconciliation elements afterwards using the Change Reconciliation Elements command. This starts the Change Reconciliation Elements (tcfin0220m000) session, which allows you to assign new reconciliation elements to the reconciliation group. If you need to change reconciliation elements, you can specify the target reconciliation elements in the Target Reconciliation Elements section.

After you have specified the correct reconciliation elements, you must perform these tasks:

  1. Verify the new reconciliation element setup
  2. Accept the new reconciliation element setup
  3. Process reconciliation element changes
Changing the logging of reconciliation data

If the Write Reconciliation Data check box is selected in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session, every integration transaction is logged in the Reconciliation Transactions (tfgld495) table.


By default, the check box is selected for most of the end accounts.

If this check box is cleared, the transactions of the integration document types belonging to the reconciliation group are only logged in the Integration Transactions (tfgld482) table for mapping and posting to Financials, but the data is not available for reconciliation.

When you first set up reconciliation, we recommend that you select this check box for all reconciliation groups. To improve performance, you can later clear the Write Reconciliation Data check box for reconciliation groups that you do not use, for example, for some of the end accounts.

Also, based on your integration mapping scheme setup, you may decide which reconciliation groups you do not use at all, and for these groups, clear the check boxes.