Financial periodsFor every integration transaction, the following financial periods are recorded:
For details about the period types, refer to Using periods. Usually, the financial transactions are posted in the financial periods that correspond with the transaction date. The posting date and the document date are in the same period. To log the integration transactions, the financial period status must be Open. Usually, if the transaction date is the current date, the financial periods are Open. However, if a transaction is antedated or if the transaction date is near the end of a financial period, the period can be already Closed when the related financial transaction is posted. If you create an integration transaction, the transaction is logged. Usually this is the moment when you approve an order or invoice. Because the financial periods of the postings are included in the logged information, LN checks the period status before the transaction is logged. If the period is Closed, the transaction cannot be logged. The user cannot save the approved order or invoice. You can select the period type of which LN checks the status to detect whether the period is Open and the integration transaction can be logged. You can select the following period types:
For example, if you select ACP, you cannot post an integration transaction if the ACP period is Closed, even if the INT period is still Open. In the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150m000) session, you can select the default period type. In the Period Handling by Integration Document Type (tfgld4579m000) session, you can select the period type for individual integration document types. It is usually correct to check the INT period. In exceptional situations, you can select the other period types. Closed periods If the period is Closed, LN tries to post the transaction according to the Closed Period Handling option that applies to the integration transaction. In the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150m000) session, you can select the default Closed Period Handling option. In the Period Handling by Integration Document Type (tfgld4579m000) session, you can select the closed period handling option for specific integration document types. You can select the following Closed Period Handling options:
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