Integration account and other concepts

Integration account

To support full reconciliation possibilities, the integration transactions can only be posted to ledger accounts that are marked as Integration accounts in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session. If an account is marked as Integration Account, you cannot manually enter transactions on the account.

As you cannot create manual transactions on the integration accounts to make corrections, the posting of the integration transactions is irreversible. You can only make corrections to the postings on the integration ledger accounts in the reconciliation sessions. You must make the corrections to other ledger accounts with the same parent as the integration ledger account. The result will then appear in the parent account.

The integration mapping scheme status

Two fields indicate a mapping scheme version status:

  • The active indicator
    Every mapping scheme version has an Active indicator which is either on or off. If a versions is Active, LN uses that version to map integration transactions. Before you can make a mapping scheme version active, it must have been validated and it must not contain any blocking errors. Only one integration mapping scheme version can be Active at a time.
  • The check status
    The check status indicates the stage reached in the mapping scheme definition process. A mapping scheme version can have the following check statuses:
    • Not Checked
      The version has not been checked for consistency. The version cannot be made Active.
    • Inconsistent - Blocking
      The version has been checked for consistency and blocking errors were found. The version cannot be made Active.
    • Inconsistent - Not Blocking
      The version has been checked for consistency and no blocking errors were found. However, inconsistencies were found that resulted in warning messages. You can make the version Active if you wish.
    • Consistent
      The version has been checked for consistency and no errors were found. You can make the version Active.