GL code and other conceptsGL code A GL code represents a ledger account and the corresponding dimensions. GL codes are used to represent ledger accounts to users who are not familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts. For some logistic transactions, you can use a GL code to indicate the ledger account and the dimensions to which the transaction must be posted. You can define GL codes in the GL Codes (tfgld4575m000) session. Every GL code refers to one ledger account. The ledger account must be an integration account. If mandatory or optional dimensions are linked to the ledger account, these are included in the GL code definition. Before you can use the GL code, in the GL Codes (tfgld4575m000) session you must select the Active check box. To block the GL code for use, you can clear the Active check box. If you block a GL code, new lines of existing orders are still mapped using the GL code but you cannot select the GL code for newly created orders. As soon as any integration transactions are mapped using the GL code, you cannot change the ledger account or the dimensions of the GL code, or delete the GL code. If you enter a GL code for the transaction, the integration transactions are not included in the mapping process but mapped directly to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code. The values of the mapping elements of such transactions do not have any effect on the mapping. In the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, LN indicates that a GL code was used to map the transaction, and displays the GL code. Mapping through GL codes can be used for the following transactions:
Transaction type and series LN generates the document numbers for the integration transactions based on a transaction type and series. On the Document Numbering / Compression (tfgld4577m000) tab in the Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000) session, you can define a transaction type and a series for each integration document type. If you use different transaction types and series, each type of integration transaction gets its own range of document numbers in the General Ledger. One exception to this rule exists: Fixed Assets transactions use the transaction type entered in the FAM Parameters (tffam0100s000) session. Compression Integration transactions can be compressed before they are posted. For each integration document type, you can indicate whether the debit transactions and /or the credit transactions must be compressed. Transactions can be compressed if the following transaction details have the same value:
Note Intergroup transactions are not compressed. Reconciliation group A reconciliation group is used to group related integration transactions for reconciliation purposes. Every integration document type belongs to a reconciliation group. For example, the Purchase Order/Receipt and the Purchase Order/Price Variance integration document types both belong to the same reconciliation group (reconciliation group Invoice Accrual).
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