Mapping priority

Mapping priority

You can define the ledger mapping and dimension mapping of the element groups on decreasing priority levels, where level one represents the highest priority. If LN cannot map the transaction based on the mapping with priority one, LN uses the mapping with priority two, and so on. If the transaction cannot be mapped, LN reports an error.

If you want to ensure that each integration transaction can be mapped and posted, it is recommended that for the lowest priority, you map the full range of each mapping element to a default ledger account or dimension as applicable.

Mapping sequence

Within every mapping priority every mapping has a mapping sequence. The mapping sequence is the order in which LN searches the values of the mapping elements to find the mapping of an integration transaction. As you define the mapping for various combinations of the elements of an element group, LN generates a sequence number for every mapping. For performance reasons it is recommended that the most specific mapping has mapping sequence number one.


The following rules apply to the mapping priority and the mapping sequence:

  • For different priorities, the mapped values and value ranges of the mapping elements can overlap.
  • For the mapping sequences within a mapping priority, the mapped values and values ranges of the mapping elements cannot overlap.
Default account

If you do not wish to define a detailed mapping to various ledger accounts for specific integration transactions, you can map the corresponding integration document type to a default account. All the transactions of the integration document type for which LN cannot determine an account based on the mapping scheme details, are posted to the default account.

The mapping of an integration document type to a default account is direct, without the need for element groups and mapping elements. No distinction is made on any of the transaction details.

Default accounts can be used in two ways:

  • Instead of a detailed mapping to various ledger accounts. All the transactions are posted to the same account. For example, all warehouse receipts are posted to the Inventory ledger account, without any distinction.
  • In addition to a detailed mapping. If a transaction cannot be mapped based on the detailed mapping scheme, it is posted to the default account.

You cannot set up the dimension mapping for the default ledger accounts in this way. If dimension mapping is required for an integration document type, you must define the dimension mapping in the regular way by means of an element group and mapping elements.