Mapping element

Mapping element

A mapping element is a characteristic of a logistic transaction that you can map to a ledger account or dimension. Some examples of the mapping elements of a warehouse receipt transaction are: Item, Item Group, Warehouse, and Manufacturer. You can map specific values, ranges, or the full range of a mapping element to specific ledger accounts and dimensions.

A mapping element consists of the combination of a business object and a business object attribute. For example, the mapping element item group/item represents the business object attribute item group of the business object item.

LN supplies a complete list (about 1800) of the mapping elements that correspond to the business object attributes. For each integration document type, you can select the mapping elements from the attributes of its related business objects. You cannot add, change, or delete mapping elements.

Parent element

A mapping element consists of the combination of a business object and a business object attribute. Business object attributes can themselves be business objects. The business objects of attributes appear as child business objects, with a higher level number. The attributes of child business objects are also available as mapping elements for the integration document types.

For example, a Sales Order business object has the Item attribute. Item is also a business object which has the Item Group and the Manufacturer attributes, among others. As a result, you can select the manufacturer of the item of the sales order as a mapping element for Sales Order integration document types.

If a mapping element has parent attributes, LN displays the parent attributes and their levels in the various mapping scheme related sessions.

Sort element

The sort element is a mapping element on which the integration transactions can be sorted. You can use the sort element to group the integration transactions that belong to different integration document types.

For example, the integration transactions for a project or for a service order belong to various integration document types. If you assign Project (PCS) or Service Type as the sort element to those integration document types, you can group the integration transactions by project, or by service order.

To every integration document type, you can assign one of the available mapping elements as the sort element in the Integration Document Types (tfgld4557m000) session. The sort element can be an element that you do not actually use for the mapping. In the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, you can display the integration transactions in the order of the values of the sort element.

Element group

An element group is a selection of mapping element and in this way represents a mapping. To map the integration transactions, or integration document types, you must link one or more element groups to the integration document types. An element group must contain at least one mapping element and can contain up to 15 mapping elements.

Before you select the elements of an element group, it is recommended that you link the element group to an integration document type. For the selection, LN only displays the mapping elements that apply to the integration document type.

You can link an element group to multiple integration document types, provided that the mapping elements of the group are available for all the integration document types. If you do this, the ledger account mapping or the dimension mapping of those integration document types will be exactly the same.

You can use the Print Where Used Element Groups (tfgld4466m000) session to generate a report of a range of element groups and the integration document types to which they are linked. You can use this report to see which integration document types are affected if you change the mapping for an element group.


The element group, not the integration document type, defines the ledger account mapping and the dimension mapping. If you change the mapping for one integration document type, you change the mapping of all the integration document types that use the element group.