Financial integrations - concepts and components

Business object

In the context of financial integration transaction processing, a business object is a logistic entity or event such as an item, a purchase order, a business partner, or a warehouse issue.

The integration document types supplied by LN each have the corresponding business object attached to them. For example, the integration document types for the various Sales Order transactions have the Sales Order business object linked to them.

Business object attribute

Each business object has various attributes, such as item, warehouse, and department. These attributes are characteristics of the business object that can be used to map the integration transaction to specific ledger accounts and dimensions. For example, the Sales Order business object has the Sales Office attribute and the Sales Order Type attribute, among others.

Business object ID

The business object ID is the unique code that identifies a specific business object. For example, the business object ID of a Sales Order business object is the sales order number.

Integration document type

An integration document type represents an integration transaction type in Financials for the mapping and posting of the integration transactions and for the reconciliation process.

The non-financial LN packages are collectively referred to as Operations Management. In Operations Management, each integration transaction is represented by its combination of operational transaction origin and financial transaction (in technical terms, the tror/fitr combination). For example, Sales Order/Issue.

In the Finance/Logistics module of Common, the transaction origin/financial transaction combinations are translated to integration document types. For example, the Sales Order/Issue transaction is translated to the 10002052 integration document type with the description Sales Order/Issue. LN provides predefined integration document types for all the integration transactions that can occur.

Integration document types are required:

  • To map integration transactions.
  • To log the reconciliation data of a transaction.

A number of predefined integration document types are only used to log the reconciliation data, for example, the Currency Difference integration document types. You cannot map these integration document types and the Use in Mapping Scheme check box is cleared in the Integration Document Types (tfgld4557m000) session.

For a complete description of integration document types and integration transactions, see the Infor LN Financials - Financial Integration and Reconciliation Transactions guide.

Other concepts

Other mapping-scheme related concepts are: