Account Matching (tfgld1550m000)

Use this session to match transactions of a ledger account manually. If required, you can add transactions to an existing set of matched transactions.

To match two or more transactions, take the following steps:

  1. Select the transactions to be matched. You can match two or more transactions.
  2. On the appropriate menu, click one of the following commands:

    • Match without Transaction
      Use this command to match transactions that balance.
    • Match with Transaction
      Use this command to match transactions and generate a matching transaction for the difference amount.
    • Match with Existing Match
      Use this command to add the selected transaction to an existing match using the Add Transaction To Existing Match (tfgld1251m000) session.

For each match LN creates a matching transaction in the Matched Transactions (tfgld1551m000) session.

  • To perform account matching, you must be listed in the Account Matching Users (tfgld1152m000) session. In this session, a user's authorization is defined by an account matching authorization scheme and a ledger account matching scheme.
  • During account matching, LN does not check whether specific transactions can be matched. Instead, LN performs this check when the resulting matching transactions are approved.
  • To match transactions automatically, use the Match Transactions Automatically (tfgld1250m000) session.


Account Matching
Ledger Account

A register used to record financial transactions and to accumulate the values of the transactions for reporting and analysis. The ledger accounts classify the transactions into categories such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities.


A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Amount in Invoice Currency

The amount in the invoice currency.

Ledger Balance

The balance of the ledger account.

Unmatched Balance

The balance of unmatched transactions.

Unmatched Balance

The total number of unmatched transactions.

Matched Balance

The balance of matched transactions.

Matched Balance

The total number of matched transactions.

Approved Balance

The balance of approved transactions.

Approved Balance

The total number of approved transactions.

Processed Balance

The balance of processed transactions.

Processed Balance

The total number of processed transactions.

Non-Finalized Transactions

If this check box is selected, the amounts of non-finalized transactions are included in the balance amounts.

Transaction Reference

A user-defined description of the transaction.


A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.


The identification of a transaction.

The document code is a combination of:

  • Transaction-type code
  • Series number
  • Sequence number

The document line number of the transaction.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the document.

Background Sequence No.

Background sequence number.

Document Date

The transaction date in Financials. The document date is always registered in local time. Usually the document date is the same date as the transaction date, except if you manually enter a different transaction date in Financials or if the UTC time and the local time differ by a day.

Debit Amountin HC

The debit amount in the home currency.

Credit Amountin HC

The credit amount in the home currency.


The transaction amount.


The currency used in the transaction document.

Select by Tax Period

Matching Code

A generated code used to group matched transactions.

Document Details
Correction Document

If a correction transaction was created, this field shows the transaction type part of the correction document number.

Correction Document Number

If a correction transaction was created, this field shows the correction document number.


Amount in Home Currency

Amount in Home Currency

Country for Tax

The country in which the tax must be paid.

Tax Code

A code that identifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

Transaction Category

A way to categorize transaction types, for example journal vouchers, recurring/reverse journals, purchase invoices, and sales invoices. The category defines how to process a transaction linked to the selected transaction type.


If this check box is selected, the transaction was matched.


If this check box is selected, the transaction was approved.


If this check box is selected, the transaction was processed.


If this check box is selected, the transaction was finalized.

Fiscal Year

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Fiscal Period

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Business Partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.

Matched in Fiscal Year

The fiscal year in which the status change occurred.

Matched/Approved/Processed inFiscal Period

The Financial period in which the status change occurred.

Cash Flow Reason

An indication of the kind of cash transaction. Transactions to which you link a reason code of the Cash Flow type are included in the cash flow statement, sorted by cash flow reason.

Reconciliation Area

A general area on which you can perform reconciliation, for example, Inventory, Production Order WIP, Interim Costs, and Invoice Accrual. The reconciliation area and subarea together form a reconciliation group which represents a group of integration ledger accounts.

Reconciliation Subarea

A further division of a reconciliation area into the kinds of origins of the transactions. For example, the Interim Costs and Invoice Accrual reconciliation areas are divided into many subareas such as Sales Order, Purchase Order, and Service Order. The reconciliation area and subarea together form a reconciliation group which represents a group of integration ledger accounts.

Integration Account

A ledger account used for integration transactions. You can use the account for other transaction types, such as manual transactions, only if you specify exceptions.

To maintain data integrity for reconciliation purposes, by default, you cannot manually enter transactions on an integration account.

To correct postings on integration accounts, two methods are available:

  • To enable manual posting for several domain-specific sessions, use the Manual Posting Exceptions (tfgld0148m000) session.
  • Enter the correction entries on another ledger account with the same parent as the integration ledger account. The results will then appear in the parent account.
Dimension 1-5

Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.


Show All

All transactions (matched and unmatched) are displayed.

Show Unmatched Transactions

Only the unmatched transactions for the ledger account are displayed.

Show Only Matched

Only the matched transactions for the ledger account are displayed.

Match with Transaction

Matches transactions of which the difference exceeds the specified tolerances.

Match without Transaction

Matches transactions of which the difference is less than or equal to the currency tolerance. No new transaction is created.


Cancels the matching transaction.

Show All Ledger Accounts

Shows all ledger accounts for which account matching can be performed, regardless of user authorizations.

Show User Ledger Accounts

Shows only the ledger accounts for which the current user can perform account matching.

Calculate Balances

LN calculates the totals. For performance reasons, by default, LN only calculates the ledger balance, based on the period selected.