Indices (tffam3101m000)

Use this session to maintain the index values by year. You associate a value with an index code per specified year. For the calculation of revaluation amounts, the yearly index values you enter in this session are compared with the base year index defined in the Index Master Data (tffam3100m000) session. The index is the relative value of an asset from one year to another. One period is the base (100%) and the other period can be expressed as a percentage of the base.

You cannot directly delete information in this session. If you delete information in the Index Master Data (tffam3100m000) session, the associated data in the Indices (tffam3101m000) session is automatically deleted by LN.


If you have started this session by zooming, you can only locate and select a record.


Revaluation Index

To maintain index codes and base years, use the Index Master Data (tffam3100m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Base Year

The year on which the index values of all other years are based.


The index value of the base is always 100.


The year that refers to an index value.

Short Description of Year

The description or name of the code.

Index Value

The index value is the current market value of the fixed asset relative to the fixed asset's value in the base year.

Index value 2015 (base year)100
Index value 2020125


Between 2015 and 2020, the price has increased 25%. The index value would reflect this increase.