Print Business Partner Payments (tfacp6402m100)

Use this session to print one of the following reports:

  • Business Partner Payments Remittance Data
    Select a pay-to business partner.
  • Business Partner Payment Totals
    The total amounts that were paid to each pay-to business partner are printed based on currencies. To print monthly totals, specify a payment date range.
  • Business Partner Payments Batch Totals
    Specify a range of payment batches or a single payment batch. Otherwise, data from non-payment batch payments will also be included in the report.


Selection Range
Pay-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.

Batch Company

The company in which the payment was created.

Batch Number

A group of financial transactions processed together. If you finalize a batch, all the transactions are processed, or if an error occurs, no transactions are processed.

Payment Date

The transaction date in Financials. The document date is always registered in local time. Usually the document date is the same date as the transaction date, except if you manually enter a different transaction date in Financials or if the UTC time and the local time differ by a day.

Original Payment ID

The transaction number, which can be a check number or a trade note number.

By Unique Business Partner

The company of the purchase order.

Purchase Order

An agreement that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered
Supplier's Invoice Number

The invoice number used by the business partner.

Invoice Amount

The amount of the invoice.