Advance/Unallocated Payment Details (tfacp2529s000)

Use this session to view the details of advance payments and unallocated payments associated with a purchase invoice.


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Payment Document

The transaction type, part of the payment identification.


The document number, part of the payment identification.


The line number, part of the payment identification.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.

Document Type

The type of transaction to which the document refers.

Document Date

The date on which the invoice was created.


A text defined for internal use as reference.


The invoice currency.


The home currency. Choose View Other Currencies to switch home currencies.


The total invoice amount. This amount is expressed in the invoice currency, defined in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.

Amount in Home Currency

The total invoice amount, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The amount to be paid as tax over the invoice amount.

Tax Amount in Home Currency

The amount to be paid as tax over the invoice, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Bank Charges

The costs the bank charges for its services.

Bank Costs in HC

The costs the bank charges for its services, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Balance Amount

The open invoice amount, that is not yet paid.

Balance in Home Currency

The unpaid invoice amount, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Finalization Run Number

The journal number, given during the finalization of transactions, to which the batch with transactions is finalized.

Fiscal Period

The fiscal year related to the purchase invoice.

Period Separator

The separator between the year and the period.

Fiscal Period

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Reporting Period

The year in which the tax over the invoice amount is settled.

Tax Period

The period in which the tax over the invoice is settled.

Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transaction.

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