Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000)

Use this session to enter transactions related to cost items or additional costs.

Cost items are used to post extra costs, such as accounting expenses, to an order-related purchase invoice.

Additional costs are used to post the difference between the invoice amount and the goods received amount. The difference is created by the charges that are added by the invoice-from business partner, for example, freight costs.

You can enter one or more cost items or additional costs transactions for one purchase-invoice header. For each transaction, LN generates a line number.

Each purchase invoice is posted to the General Ledger module. You must define ledger accounts and dimensions for each transaction.

Cost items

If you start this session by selecting the Cost Items on the appropriate menu in the Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session, you can specify or modify cost item transactions. The cost transaction is created automatically, during matching of invoices, if the Specify Cost Optionally check box is selected in the following sessions:

  • Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000)
  • Item - Purchase Defaults (tdipu0602m000)
  • Items - Purchase Defaults by Site (tdipu0182m000)

The cost ledger account and dimensions are defaulted with the ledger account and dimensions of the order line. If the Specify Cost Optionally check box is not selected, the cost transaction must be entered manually. You can use the Default Values option to copy the default ledger account and dimensions, which are used in the matched order line, to the cost ledger account and dimensions.

The transactions you enter for a cost item must be entered for a purchase order as Costs to be specified. If this invoice is approved, the entry on Costs to be specified is reversed.

View the matched amount, minus already entered transactions, in the Remaining Amount field. For cost items, this amount is always a credit amount. You must enter the transaction amounts as debit.

Additional costs

You can enter additional costs transactions to cover the difference between the total invoice amount and the total matched amount, if you start this session by clicking Add Costs or Additional Cost on the appropriate menu in the following sessions:

  • Process Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)
  • Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000)

You can view the current difference amount, which is the total difference amount minus already entered transactions, in the Remaining Amount field. If the invoice amount is greater than the matched amount, this amount is a credit amount. You must then enter the transactions using debit amounts.


Order: 10 cost items at GBP 30.00 = GBP 300.00

During receipt of the cost items, the following postings are made:

General Costs accountGBP 300.00
TO Invoice Receivable accountGBP 300.00


While matching cost items with the invoice in the Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session, you can enter a ledger account to specify the general costs:

Rent Costs accountGBP 150.00
Electricity Costs accountGBP 150.00
TO General Costs accountGBP 300.00




The invoice's transaction type.

Invoice Document

The invoice's document number.


The logistic company of the order with which the invoice is matched.


The number of the purchase order with which the invoice is matched.


The position number of the order with which the invoice is matched.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the purchase order lines.

Transaction line

The invoice line number of the transaction.

Default value

The field's default value is the first free number. You can change this value.

Ledger Account/Dimensions
Target Company

The financial company to which LN posts the transaction.

Ledger Account

The ledger account to which you want to transfer the amount of the transaction.


Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.

Allowed values

  • Depending on how the dimension type is set for this ledger account, you can or you must enter a dimension.
Default Ledger Account/Dimensions
Ledger Account

The default ledger account specified in the matched order line.


The default dimensions specified in the matched order line.

Transaction Amount

The invoice currency.


The transaction amount.

Debit / Credit

Specify how you want to post the amount to the ledger account.

The options are:

  • Debit
  • Credit
Amount in Home Currency

The home currency. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.


The transaction amount in the home currency.

Remaining Amount

The open amount of the transaction that is still to be processed.

Remaining Amount

Indicates whether the remaining amount has a debit or a credit balance.

Transaction Reference

The description of the transaction.


The value of this field is defaulted from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.

Period / Quantity
Quantity x

The quantity ordered, expressed in the unit defined for the selected ledger account in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.

Quantity Unit

The unit in which the order quantity is expressed.

Fiscal Period

The fiscal year to which the transaction is posted.

Period Separator

The separator between the year and the period.

Fiscal Period

The fiscal period to which the transaction is posted.

Reporting Period

The year in which the transactions must be reported.

Reporting Period

The period in which the transactions must be reported.

Fixed Assets (FAM)
Asset Number

For fixed asset transactions, the asset number and asset extension.

Asset Description

The asset description.

Effective From

The point-in-time of an asset's life on which the transaction takes place. The effective date of a transaction may be any point from the in-service date to the date the asset is fully disposed in all its related books.

Matched Tax Country/Code

The tax codes by country for the matched transaction.

Tax Code

The tax code.


You can only specify the tax codes defined for the invoice.