Purchase Order Change Request (tdpur4600m000)

Use this session to specify, update, and process a change request for an original (actual) purchase order and its linked purchase order lines.

The purchase order change request and change request lines are displayed on one screen.

How to use this session

This session provides a side to side view of the field values for the original order (on the left) and for the change request (on the right). You can update a selection of fields for the change request. The availability of fields depends on the status of the actual purchase order.

Because this session is a copy of the original order in the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, refer to the Help of that session for an explanation of the fields. In this session, only the fields that are unique or different for the change request are explained.


The lines on the tabs refer to these sessions:



The number of the original purchase order for which the change request is created.

Change Request

The number that identifies the change request.


The revision number of the change request, which is increased with every (submit for) approval of the change request.


The status of the change request.

Allowed values

  • Created
    The change request is created and can be updated.
  • Approved
    The change request is approved.
  • Modified
    The change request is modified after approval.
  • Closed
    The change request is processed and cannot be updated. The linked document is updated and unlocked.
  • Canceled
    The change request is canceled. The linked document is unlocked.
  • Blocked
    The change request is blocked. The change request procedure cannot continue until the block is released.
Workflow Status

The status that is applicable if the business object requires authorization approval using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submit are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and execute the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field displays an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field displays an Approval status.

If a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), regardless if the object is checked in or out, this field always displays the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors.


If this check box is selected, the original purchase order is blocked (after approving and processing the change request).

Internal Change Request

If this check box is selected, the request concerns an internal change and does not require mutual agreement with the supplier. Consequently, the Revision field of the actual purchase order is not updated when the change request is processed.

Click Set Change Request to Internal on the appropriate menu to select this check box.

Change Request Canceled

If this check box is selected, the change request is canceled.

Click Cancel Change Request on the appropriate menu to cancel the change request using the Cancel Purchase Order Change Request (tdpur4201s300) session.

Change Request Origin

The origin of the change request for the purchase order.

Allowed values

  • Manual
    A manually created change request
  • SFC
    A changed subcontracting requirement specified on the linked production order.
  • Sales
    A changed direct delivery requirement specified on the linked sales order.
  • Requisition
    A changed requirement for the linked purchase requisition. Use the Initiate Change Request option in the Linked Requisition Line Data (tdpur2502s000) data to generate a change request for the purchase order to which the requisition line is converted.
Creation Date

The date and time the change request was created.

Created by

The user who created the change request.


If this check box is selected, change request text is available for the change request.


Original Order

Starts the original order for which the change request is applicable.


Blocks the change request and sets its status to Blocked.


Approves the change request and sets its status to Approved.

Set Change Request to Internal

Selects the Internal Change Request check box and does not update the Revision field of the actual purchase order when the change request is processed.

Cancel Change Request

Cancels the change request and sets its status to Canceled. LN also selects the Change Request Canceled check box and unlocks the original document.

Process Change Request

Processes the change request and sets its status to Closed. The original document is updated and unlocked.


Cancels the original document (after approving and processing the change request).