Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000)

Use this session to view the sequence shipping schedule (lines) that are stored under a specific purchase release and release revision.


In the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session, you can view a sequence shipping schedule line's sequence shipping data.

If the Release EDI Message Directly check box in the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) session and/ or the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session is selected, LN automatically generates EDI messages for the sequence shipping schedule lines stored in this session. The purchase release is then sent to the supplier by Electronic Commerce.

If the Release EDI Message Directly check box is cleared, you must print the purchase release in the Print Purchase Releases (tdpur3422m000) session with the Final Report check box selected. Based on the setting of the Generate Release per Vehicle and Generate Release per Item check boxes in the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session, the release is created and printed by vehicle or by item.


After a purchase release is printed or EDI messages are sent, LN:

  • Assigns the Sent status to the purchase release in the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session.
  • Selects the Sent check box in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session for the specific sequence shipping schedule line.



The number of the purchase release.


The status of the sequence shipping schedule line.

  • Created
    The sequence shipping schedule line is created and is already sent, or must be sent to the supplier in a purchase release.
  • Modified
    After the sequence shipping schedule line is sent in a purchase release, the line is modified. The modification is or must be communicated to the supplier.

    A line obtains this status if one of these fields are changed by Assembly Control in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session:

    • Job Sequence
    • Quantity
    • Requirement Date
  • Canceled
    After the sequence shipping schedule line is sent in a purchase release, the line is canceled. The cancellation is or must be communicated to the supplier. A line obtains this status if a field other than Job Sequence, Quantity, Requirement Date, or Shipment Date is changed in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session.

In the Sent field of the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session, you can view whether the sequence shipping schedule line is already sent to the supplier in a purchase release.

These statuses correspond to the following statuses in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session:

  • Created = Order Generated.
  • Modified = Order Generated.
  • Canceled = Canceled.
Release Position

A number used to identify the position of a purchase schedule in a purchase release. Each release line receives a separate release position number.

Release Revision

A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the release. The release revision number indicates the updates that are sent to the business partner.

The release revision number of the first purchase release is always 0. LN provides every revised purchase release a new release revision number, which is one number higher than the previous revision number.

  • New sequence shipping schedules are automatically stored under the last purchase release revision that has the status Scheduled in the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session.
  • If the status of the purchase release's highest revision in the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session is Sent, every schedule line that is written to the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session is stored under a new Release Revision.
  • If the status of the purchase release's highest revision is Sent, every update to an already sent sequence shipping schedule line results in a new sequence shipping line with the status Canceled or Modified. The Canceled or Modified sequence shipping line is stored under another Release Revision, and has a higher Sequence Revision number.

The number of the sequence shipping schedule.

Sequence Revision

The sequence revision of the sequence shipping schedule line.

The sequence revision is incremented when the status of the sequence shipping line, after the line is sent in a purchase release, changes from Created to Canceled or Modified. In this way, you can monitor the updates that are made to a specific sequence shipping line.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Revision field in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session.

Schedule Position

The number of the schedule line. This number uniquely identifies each requirement of an item that a specified business partner must supply at a specific date and time.


The required item.


The schedule quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

Purchase Unit

The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.


The schedule quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.