Prepare Conversion Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m100)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain the purchase requisition line data that is required to convert a purchase requisition line to a purchase order or a request-for-quotation (RFQ) in the Convert Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2201m000) session.

You can start this session:

  • From the Purchase Requisition - Prepare Conversion (tdpur2600m100) session, by double-clicking a line on the Requisition Lines tab.
  • Stand-alone.

This is not a mandatory session in the purchase requisition procedure. The data required for requisition line conversion, can also be entered in the Purchase Requisition (tdpur2600m000) session.



The number that identifies the purchase requisition.


The status of the purchase requisition.

Allowed values

Requisition Status


The requisition line is identified by a position number, which serves as a line number. The lines are displayed or printed in a line number sequence.

Conversion Type

The conversion type for the requisition line.

  • The conversion type is retrieved from the Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000) session, but can be modified for the requisition line using the Prepare Conversion Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m100) session.
  • When the requisition line includes a subcontracted service item and no production order is linked to the line, which you can view in the Linked Requisition Line Data (tdpur2502s000) session, the line can be converted only to an RFQ and not to a purchase order.
Buy-from Business Partner

The code that identifies the buy-from business partner for whom the purchase requisition is intended.


You can leave this field blank for a new buy-from business partner.

Business Partner Description

The description of the buy-from business partner.


If the Buy-from Business Partner field is blank, use this field to enter the description of a new buy-from business partner.

Item Cross Reference

The alternative way of communicating with the business partner about items.

Allowed values

Item Cross Reference

Item Code System

The item code system's code. The item code system is used to search for an item in an alternative way, for instance by the buy-from business partner's item code.


You can only define this field if the Item Cross Reference field is set to ICS.

Cross Reference Item

The item code that is used to indicate the item in the Item field.

The Item Cross Reference field determines the item code that you can select.


The MPN must the Approved or For Approval status on the Requisition Date.


The code for the requisitioned item.

The following list describes which item types you can include on a requisition:

cost itemyes
service itemyes
subcontracted service itemsyes
generic itemno
list itemonly kit type items
manufactured itemyes
purchased itemyes



You can include both new and existing items.

Item Description

The description of the item.


When you enter an existing item code in the Item field, this field displays the general item description.

If the Item field is blank, you can enter a new description of the item in this field.

Preferred Manufacturer Part Number

The preferred manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item.


The item's manufacturer, or the manufacturer that is linked to the manufacturer part number (MPN).


The manufacturer must have the Approved or For Approval status in the Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000) session.

Manufacturer Item

The item code as used by the manufacturer to identify the item specified.

Effectivity Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.


The code of the project for which the item is required.


If the item code is blank, you can use any valid project code.


If this check box is selected, the requisition line is urgent on the Buyer Home page.

Subject to Trade Compliance

If this check box is selected, global trade compliance applies to the line.


This field is available only if the Purchase Trade Compliance check box is selected in the Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session.

Peg Distribution

If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Requisition Line.


Manual changes in this session can affect the linked peg distribution. If this is the case, and if the Manual Project Peg Modification check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session, a window is displayed in which you must specify the change reason. The project peg changes and the reason codes are logged in the Cost Peg Audit History (tpctm2500m000) session.

Budget Exception

If this check box is selected, the budget check has failed for the requisition line.

To continue with the purchase requisition procedure, you must first resolve the budget exception. You can, for example, change the line amount or the linked budget account distribution (BAD) in the Budget Account Distribution (tcbgc1100m000) session.


This check box can only be selected if the following are applicable:

  • The Check Available Budget check box is selected on the Purchase Requisitions tab of the Budget Control Policy (tfbgc0110m000) session.
  • Insufficient budget is available for the checked line.
  • The When Budget is Exceeded field is set to Block in the Budget Control Policy (tfbgc0110m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the requisition line is converted to a purchase order or an RFQ.

Line Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Requested Date

The date on which the requested item must be received.

Default value

LN takes the default value from the requisition header.

Order Quantity

The quantity for which the inspection is required. Consequently, the result of the inspection order concerns the quality of this quantity.

Purchase Unit

The purchase unit in which the order quantity is expressed.

Default value

If the item code is blank, the purchase unit defaults to a value of EACH.


This purchase unit must also be associated with the unit set that is linked to the specified item.


The item's unit price.


The currency in which the requisition amounts are expressed.


The unit in which the purchase price is entered.


This may differ from the item's inventory unit. For example, you may store goods in kilograms, purchase them in bales, and record price per piece.


The line amount in the order currency.

It is calculated as follows:

Amount = Price * Order Quantity. 

The warehouse code for delivery of the items when the requisition is converted to a purchase order or RFQ.

Default value

The warehouse is defaulted from the user data as defined in the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.

Receipt Address

The address of the warehouse or place where the goods must be delivered.


The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.


If the Buyer on Requisition Line check box is selected in the Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session, you can specify a buyer for the requisition line.

Default value

If the Buyer on Requisition Line check box is selected in the Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session, the buyer is retrieved from one of these sessions, in sequence of priority:

  1. Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000)
  2. Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4520m000)
  3. Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)
  4. Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000)

If the Buyer on Requisition Line check box is cleared, the buyer is retrieved from the requisition header ( Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000) session). The buyer cannot be updated in the current session.


The element linked to the project.

Related topics


The activity linked to the project.

Cost Component

A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

Cost components have the following functions:

  • To break down an item's standard cost, sales price, or valuation price.
  • To create a comparison between the estimated production order costs and the actual production order costs.
  • To calculate production variances.
  • To view the distribution of your costs over the various cost components in the Cost Accounting module.

Cost components can be of the following cost types:

  • Operation Costs
  • Material Costs
  • Surcharge on Material Costs
  • General Costs
  • Not Applicable

If you use Assembly Control (ASC), you cannot use cost components of the General Costs type.


In the Project, data can be controlled in different ways. You can use cost components to produce cost analyses that cut across the defined project structures.

You must assign cost components to all cost units. The same cost component can be assigned to a task and to an item. For example, you can aggregate all project costs related to masonry.

Cost components are always entered on the standard level and are project-independent.

General Ledger

Represents a ledger account and the corresponding dimensions. GL codes are used to represent ledger accounts to users who are not familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts.

To specific logistic transactions, you can link a GL code. Such integration transactions are mapped directly to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code, they are not included in the mapping process.

You can only enter a GL code if the following applies:

  • You cannot enter a GL code if an LN project is used.
  • Financials checks whether the GL code exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the purchase office.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a GL-code.
Ledger Account

A register used to record financial transactions and to accumulate the values of the transactions for reporting and analysis. The ledger accounts classify the transactions into categories such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

You can only enter a ledger account if the following applies:

  • You cannot enter a ledger account if an LN project is used.
  • Financials checks whether the ledger account exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the purchase office.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a ledger account.
Dimension 1

Use this field to select the dimension of this dimension type that you want to use.

You can only enter a ledger account and dimensions if the following applies:

  • You cannot enter a ledger account and dimensions if an LN project is used.
  • Financials checks whether the ledger account exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the purchase office.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a ledger account and dimensions.
Additional Information
Additional Field

User-defined fields of various field formats that can be added to various sessions, in which users can edit these fields. No functional logic is linked to the contents of these fields.

Additional information fields can be linked to database tables. When linked to a table, the fields are displayed in the sessions corresponding to the database tables. For example, a field defined for the whinh200 table is displayed as an extra field in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

The contents of additional fields can be transferred between database tables. For example, the information specified by a user in additional information field A of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session is transferred to additional information field A in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. For this purpose, additional information fields with identical field formats and field name A must be present for the whinh200 and the whinh430 tables (whinh430 corresponds to the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session).

Click Extended Additional Information to view all additional information fields that are linked to the purchase document in the Extended Additional Information (tcstl2110m000) session.


Peg Distribution

Starts the Purchase Peg Distribution (tdpur5100m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the peg distribution details.

Project Contract Information

If the project has a linked contract, use this command to view the contract information in the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Budget Account Distribution

Starts the Budget Account Distribution (tcbgc1100m000) session, in which you can view and modify the linked budget account distribution (BAD).

Check Budget

Checks the budget for the requisition line.

This command is only available if:

  • A correct budget account distribution (BAD) is linked to the line.
  • The Budget Exception check box is selected.

Starts the Catalogs (tdpct0510m000) session from which you can select an item from a product catalog that must replace the existing item on the requisition line.