Item - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0610m000)

Use this session to view, enter, or maintain business partner specific information that is related to a particular sales item.

In the details session, you can maintain the following data for the item and business partner combination:


If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is cleared in the Sales Schedule Parameters (tdsls0100s500) session, this session is used to retrieve the logistic agreements for sales schedules. If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected, the logistic agreements are retrieved from the Sales Contract Line Logistic Data (tdsls3102m000) session.


Item Group

The item group for which the business partner details related to the specific sales item are maintained.


The description or name of the code.

Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner related to the business partner details specified in the particular sales item.


The description or name of the code.


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Ship-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Effective Date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.

Related topics

Expiry Date

The date from which a record or a setting is no longer valid. The expiry date often includes the expiry time.

Related topics

Sales Unit

The unit by which the item is sold.


If a conversion factor for this unit exists, LN automatically converts the selected unit.


The description or name of the code.

Minimum Order Quantity

The minimum order quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.

This is the default quantity for the Ordered Quantity field in the applicable sales document. If this quantity is zero, or if no combination exists for the item and sold-to business partner, the default order quantity is retrieved from the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session. If you use order quantities lower than the minimum order quantity, a warning message is displayed.

Default value

The Minimum Order Quantity specified in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

Minimum Order Quantity

The unit in which the Minimum Order Quantity is expressed.


If this check box is selected, self-billing is applicable.


If this check box is selected, the sold-to business partner is (temporarily) blocked for this item. You can never enter blocked item - business partner combinations in sales documents.

Blocking Reason

Use reason codes to describe the reason for blocking customers. You can link a reason code to the item - sales business partner combination.


The description or name of the code.

Allow Inventory Recheck for Promised Lines

If this check box is selected, the sales order line must be taken into consideration when rechecking the inventory.


This check box is displayed only if the Extended Inventory Check field is set to Yes in the Sales Quotation Parameters (tdsls0100s100) session.

Commitment Policy

Specify for each item if and when you want to commit the ordered quantity automatically.


You can change the commitment policy as long as no commitments are made for the item in the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

Allowed values

Commitment Policy

Minimum Quantity to Commit

The minimum quantity that must be committed in case of a partial allocation.

If both the Minimum Quantity to Commit and the Minimum Rate for Commitment fields have significant values, the quantity to be committed is checked against both fields. LN uses whichever number is higher.

  • The value of the Minimum Quantity to Commit field is 5.
  • The value of the Minimum Rate for Commitment is 10%.

For an order of 100, the minimum quantity is 5 and the minimum rate (converted to a quantity) is 10. This results in a minimum commitment of 10 for a partial allocation. For an order of 20, the minimum quantity is still 5, but the minimum rate (converted to a quantity) is 2. In this case, the minimum commitment quantity is 5 for a partial allocation.

Minimum Rate for Commitment

The minimum rate that must be delivered in case of a partial allocation.

If both the Minimum Quantity to Commit and the Minimum Rate for Commitment fields have significant values, the quantity to be committed is checked against both fields. LN uses whichever number is higher.

  • The value of the Minimum Quantity to Commit field is 5.
  • The value of the Minimum Rate for Commitment is 10%.

For an order of 100, the minimum quantity is 5 and the minimum rate (converted to a quantity) is 10. This results in a minimum commitment of 10 for a partial allocation. For an order of 20, the minimum quantity is still 5, but the minimum rate (converted to a quantity) is 2. In this case, the minimum commitment quantity is 5 for a partial allocation.

Related topics

Component Handling

Specify how components are handled if the sales item is a component.


This field can be specified only if the Extended Kit Handling Implemented check box is selected in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) or Sales Offices (tdsls0512m000) session and the Item Type is Purchased, Manufactured, Product, or Generic (with the default supply source set to Shop Floor in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session).

Allowed values

Component Handling

Shipping Constraint

The conditions related to the shipment of goods for this sales item.

Allowed values

Shipping Constraint

Item Sales Text (Internal)

If this check box is selected, item sales text exists for internal purposes.

Choose Text Editor to create, copy, select, or view the text.

Item Sales Text

If this check box is selected, item sales text exists.

Choose Text Editor to create, copy, select, or view the text.

Item applicable for Retro-Billing

If this check box is selected, the item is applicable for retro-billing.

Related topics

Retro-Billed Sales Orders per Business Partner

This field indicates how many sales orders must be generated for each sold-to business partner and item combination during a retrobilling process.

You have the following options:

  • One
    Only one sales order with several lines is generated.
  • Many
    For each approved retro-billed line a sales order is generated.

The default value is One.

Related topics

Returns Rejected Quantity

If this check box is selected, a sales return order must be generated for the rejected quantity of the delivered goods.


You cannot define this field if the item is a cost item, service item, subcontracting item, or an equipment item.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Return Rejected Quantity field in the Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000) session.

Related topics

Logistic Company

The source logistic company code.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the site from where the sales item is Shipped. This is defaulted on to a sales order line when filled.


The description or name of the code.


The warehouse where the sales item is stored.


The description or name of the code.


The warehouse channel of the item - sales business partner combination. If warehouses are organized by item - sales business partner, all items for this sales business partner are stored in the same warehouse.

Related topics


The description or name of the code.


The company responsible for the transportation of goods to the ship-to business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Period for Shelf Life

The unit of time in which the shelf life is expressed.

Shelf Life [Periods]

The period during which the item must at least be saleable or usable for the sold-to business partner after receipt.

The shelf life is used to calculate the minimum required best before date for perishable LIFO/ FIFO items.

  • When the item is shipped to the sold-to business partner, the standard LIFO/FIFO outbound policy is overruled.
  • The best before date is called the Inventory Date in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session.


The Shelf Life [Periods] is set to 4 days. If the planned receipt date for the item is Monday the first, the best before date is Friday the fifth. This means the item is at least saleable/usable until Friday the fifth.

The outbound advice takes into account this Shelf Life [Periods] and only advises items for which the best before date lies 4 days after the planned receipt date at the most.

Conformance Reporting

The conformance reporting code linked to this combination of item and business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Subject to Trade Compliance

If this check box is selected, global trade compliance applies to the item and sales business partner.


This field is available only if the Sales Trade Compliance check box is selected in the Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session.

Print Critical Safety Item

If this check box is selected, an indicator must be printed on the shipment label for the critical safety item.

This check box is available only if the Critical Safety Item check box is selected for the item in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

Package Definition

The package definition for the item or item group.


The description or name of the code.

Package Definition is Binding

If this check box is selected, the package definition is binding for the outbound-order line.

Quantity Unit Binding

If this check box is selected, the unit specified in the Sales Unit field is binding for all sales orders that contain the item and business partner.

This implies that the business partner receives the items in the preferred unit.


A business partner orders a box of chocolate bars. A box contains 24 chocolate bars. If the Quantity Unit Binding check box is selected for the combination of item - sales business partner combination, you cannot supply the business partner with 24 chocolate bars. You must use box as a sales unit for this business partner.

Quantity Unit Binding for Planning

If this check box is selected, available-to-promise (ATP) results are expressed in the sales order unit. If a delivery schedule is generated, the unit on the order line is not changed.

If this check box is cleared, ATP results are expressed in the inventory unit. If a delivery schedule is generated, the unit of measure on the order line is updated to the inventory unit.


A sales order is available with a sales order quantity expressed in boxes. The inventory unit is pieces. If the Quantity Unit Binding for Planning check box is selected, after an availability check is executed and accepted in the Capable to Promise Overview (cprrp4899m000) session , the order line is split up in sub-deliveries with quantities still expressed in boxes.

Generate Freight Order from Sales

If this check box is selected, freight orders must be generated for sales orders that contain this item - sales business partner combination.


You cannot select this check box if the item is a cost item, a service item, or a list item.

Default value

The value of this check box is defaulted to the Generate Freight Order from Sales check box in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, but can be overwritten in these sessions.

Invoice for Freight

If this check box is selected, freight costs must be invoiced to the invoice-to business partner.

Allow Overdeliveries

If this check box is selected, Warehousing is allowed to ship an over delivery for the item and business-partner combination.

In case of direct delivery, when Warehousing is not involved, the over delivery parameters in this session are only used for information purposes. If the sold-to business partner does not accept the over delivery, the goods can be returned to the supplier by means of a return order.

Tolerance Type

This field indicates if the tolerance for the over delivery is expressed either as a percentage or a quantity.

You have the following options:

  • Percentage
    The tolerance is represented as a percentage of the order quantity.
  • Quantity
    The tolerance is a fixed quantity.
  • No
    No tolerance type is applicable, because the Allow Overdeliveries check box is cleared.

The way in which LN must handle the outbound order line if a shipment does not meet the quantity tolerances.

You have the following options:

  • Warn
    If the maximum tolerance is exceeded, LN gives a warning message to Warehousing.
  • Block
    If the maximum tolerance is exceeded, LN blocks the shipment in Warehousing.
  • No
    LN does not take any action.
Maximum Tolerance
Maximum Tolerance

The unit in which the maximum tolerance is expressed.

Direct Delivery from Quantity

The order quantity from which a direct delivery is preferred.

If the order quantity on the sales order line, delivery line, or the sales quotation line is equal to or greater than the quantity specified in this field, LN automatically sets the Delivery Type field to Direct Delivery in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, or selects the Direct Delivery check box in the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) session.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner for direct deliveries.

Ship-from Business Partner

The ship-from business partner for direct deliveries.

Logistic Company

The ship-to logistic company code.


The code of the site to which the sales item is shipped.


The description or name of the code.


The warehouse to which the item is shipped.

If materials must be supplied from the manufacturer to the subcontractor, this warehouse represents the subcontractor's warehouse. As a result, this is an administrative warehouse for the manufacturer.


This field is only used for item subcontracting.

Default value

This warehouse is defaulted to the Ship-to Warehouse on the sales order line if the following applies:

  • A subcontracting sales order line is generated with the Payment field set to No Payment or Pay on Use.
  • A sales order line is entered manually for which the Payment field set to No Payment or Pay on Use.

The description or name of the code.

Transaction Time Fence

Together with the EDI Message as specified in this session, and the Schedule Type as specified in the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session, the transaction time fence determines the requirement type of the sales schedule line.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Transaction time fence.

Freezing Time Increase

The number of days, calculated from the current date, for which you can no longer increase the quantity of required items.

Frozen Period (-)

The number of days, calculated from the current date, for which you can no longer reduce the quantity of required items.

Linear Estimate

If this check box is selected, LN makes a linear estimate to determine the new forecast quantity for a sales schedule of the Material Release type, if this sales schedule was preceded by a sales schedule of the Shipping Schedule type or the Sequence Shipping Schedule type.

If this check box is cleared, LN takes the unconsumed demand as the new forecast for a sales schedule of the Material Release type, if this sales schedule was preceded by a sales schedule of the Shipping Schedule type or the Sequence Shipping Schedule type.

Accumulate Demand on Start Date of Period

If this check box is selected, Enterprise Planning fills the first day of the material release's start date with the total quantity.

If this check box is cleared, Enterprise Planning spreads the total quantity of the material release over the number of days between the material release's start date and end date.

EDI Message

Determines the type of sales schedule that you can receive for the item and business partner combination.

  • Material Release
    The sales schedule only consists of a Material Release. Shipping is performed based on the Firm or Immediate requirements in the material release.
  • Shipping Schedule
    The sales schedule consists of a Material Release followed by a Shipping Schedule. Shipping is carried out based on the Firm and Immediate requirements in the shipping schedule. The material release only sends forecasting data.
  • Sequence Shipping Schedule
    The sales schedule consists of a Material Release followed by a Sequence Shipping Schedule. Shipping is carried out based on the Firm and Immediate requirements in the sequence shipping schedule. The material release only sends forecasting data.
  • Shipping Schedule only
    The sales schedule only consists of a Shipping Schedule. Shipping is carried out based on the Firm and Immediate requirements in the shipping schedule. No forecasting data is sent to the supplier.
Shipment or Receipt Based

CUM Model used

Use this field to indicate what cumulative (CUM) model is used.

The used CUM model determines the cumulative quantity:

  • Your business partner provides you with.
  • On which the adjustment quantity is based.
  • That is used for resetting the cumulatives and authorizations.

Allowed values

  • Order Based
    The prior required CUM is used.
  • Receipt Based
    The received CUM is used.
  • Not Applicable
    Applies if the EDI Message is set to Sequence Shipping Schedule.
Referenced Schedule

If this check box is selected, you can only receive referenced sales schedules for the item and business partner combination.

The EDI message determines whether you can receive referenced sales schedules for a specific item and business partner combination.

  • Material Release
    If the EDI message is Material Release, you cannot select the current check box.
  • Shipping Schedule
    If the EDI message is Shipping Schedule, you can select the current check box. The current check box is cleared by default.
  • Sequence Shipping Schedule
    If the EDI message is Sequence Shipping Schedule, the current check box is always selected and disabled.
  • Shipping Schedule only
    If the EDI message is Shipping Schedule only, you can select the current check box. The current check box is selected by default.
Approve Referenced Sales Schedules automatically

If this check box is selected, the sales schedule lines that you receive for the item and business partner combination are approved automatically.

You can only apply automatic approval for referenced sales schedules. As a result, you can only select the current check box if the Referenced Schedule check box is also selected.

Consider Planned/Actual Delivery Date during Reconciliation

If this check box is selected, the planned/actual delivery date is considered when reconciling sales schedules. Infor LN calculates the shipped cumulative based on the planned/actual delivery date.

In this case, the calculation of the shipped cumulatives is as follows:

The total shipped quantity for the sales schedule - the quantities that are 
shipped, but that are not received yet. 

With this calculation, you can prevent disputes resulting from shipments that are received in a different order as in which they are shipped. These disputes are called out of sequence disputes.

As a result, the Delivery Date field is filled in the Shipped CUM (tdsls3532m000) session and the Sales Schedule Reconciliation (tdsls3131m000) session. This field is filled with:

  • The calculated receipt date when the shipment is confirmed.
  • The actual receipt date when the shipment is received by the sold-to business partner.

If this check box is cleared, the shipment date is used when reconciling sales schedules. The shipped cumulatives that are communicated when the shipment is confirmed, are inserted in LN. If the shipped quantity differs from the received quantity, a dispute is always generated. LN does not take into account out of sequence receipts.

FAB Period

The time period, expressed in days, during which you are authorized to fabricate the items required on a sales schedule. The FAB period is calculated starting from the sales schedule's last release date.


The FAB Period is mainly used as a reference, because you get the authorizations from your business partner.

LN only uses the FAB Period to reset FAB authorizations if the used authorization method as specified in the Authorizations to be field of the current session is Reset.

RAW Period

The time period, expressed in days, during which you are authorized to buy or produce the raw materials that are needed to produce the items required on a sales schedule. The RAW period is calculated starting from the sales schedule's last release date.


The RAW Period is mainly used as a reference, because you get the authorizations from your business partner.

LN only uses the RAW Period to reset RAW authorizations if the used authorization method as specified in the Authorizations to be field of the current session is Reset.

Authorizations to be

The method that is used to reset the FAB and RAW authorizations.