Invoice Line Status

  • Free

    The invoice line is just created and can be updated. If an invoice line has the Free status, the invoice quantity is always equal to the delivered quantity.

    You can delete Free invoice lines.

  • Approved

    The invoice line is approved. After approval, you can no longer update the invoice line.

    When an invoice line is approved, LN:

    • Creates financial transactions.
    • Updates the cost of goods sold.
    • Creates a sales return order, if applicable.
    • Creates a new sales invoice line, if applicable.
    • Creates history for sales order lines.
  • Released

    The invoice line is released to Invoicing.

    When an invoice line is released to Invoicing, LN adjusts the open balance.

  • Invoiced

    The invoice line is posted in Invoicing. As a result, LN updates invoice-related fields.

  • Processed

    The invoice line is processed as a result of processing the delivered sales order in the Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000) session.

    Processing a delivered sales order can only be performed if the complete delivered quantity minus the rejected quantity matches the invoice quantity and is invoiced completely. All invoice lines for a sales order must have the Invoiced status and the invoice quantity plus the rejected quantity must be equal to the delivered quantity.

    When an invoice line is processed, LN:

    • Inserts a turnover record in the sales order actual delivery line history.
    • Updates contract data.

    You can delete Processed invoice lines in the Archive and Delete Sales Orders (tdsls4224m000) session.