RFQ status

The status can apply to the following RFQ objects:

  • An RFQ header in the Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session
  • An RFQ line in the RFQ Lines (tdpur1502m000) session
  • An RFQ bidder in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session
  • An RFQ response line in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session
  • Created

    The RFQ object is created.

  • Sent

    The RFQ object includes one or more linked bidders and is printed in the Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000) session.

  • Modified

    The RFQ object is changed after it is printed.

  • Responded

    An RFQ response line automatically receives this status when a response line with the Sent status is manually updated in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. You can also manually specify this status in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • In Process

    At least one response line is updated in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session, which means the response has the Responded, No Bid, No Response, Negotiating, Accepted, or Rejected status.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ headers, lines, and bidders. An RFQ response line cannot have this status.

  • No Bid

    No response line will be received from the bidder to the RFQ (line). You must manually specify this status in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. You cannot update response lines with this status.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • No Response

    No RFQ response line is received from the bidder to the RFQ (line). You must manually specify this status in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. You cannot update response lines with this status.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • Negotiating

    The negotiator is negotiating with the bidder about the response line. A response line automatically receives this status when a negotiation record is specified for the response line in the RFQ Negotiations (tdpur1606m000) session.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • Accepted

    The response line that is received from the bidder for the RFQ (line), is accepted. You must manually specify this status in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. You cannot update RFQ response lines with this status.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • Rejected

    The response line that is received from the bidder for the RFQ (line), is rejected. You must manually specify this status in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. You cannot update RFQ response lines with this status.

    This status is only applicable for RFQ response lines. RFQ headers, lines, and bidders cannot have this status.

  • Processed

    The RFQ object is converted in the Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000) session, or a response line with the Conversion Action specified as Ignore, is processed in the Process Non-Converted RFQ Responses (tdpur1223m000) session.