Calculate Commissions and Rebates (tdcms0240m000)

Use this session to calculate the commissions and rebates for relations linked to sales orders.

There are three ways to link a relation to a sales order or order line:

  • Directly, as the relation that closed the order.
  • As a member of the relation team that closed the order.
  • As parent relation to the relation that closed the order.

The value in the Commission Calculation Method field or the Rebate Calculation Method field in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters session determines whether or not the following orders or order lines are considered in the calculation:

  • All sales orders.
  • Only invoiced orders.
  • Only orders that are invoiced and fully paid.



If this check box is selected, commissions are calculated.

Commissions on Cumulatives

If this check box is selected, commissions are calculated based on the cumulative sales.


If this check box is selected, rebates are calculated.

Rebates on Cumulatives

If this check box is selected, rebates are calculated based on the cumulative sales.

Full Update

If this check box is selected, all the sales orders in the sales history are considered for commission calculation. This means that previously calculated commissions are recalculated.


This update must be performed only in case of a file corruption because all the commission records are removed and commissions are recalculated from the sales history tables.

If this check box is cleared, the commissions are only calculated for those sales orders for which no commissions were previously calculated.

Remove Manually Adjusted Commission/Rebate

If this check box is selected, all the commission and rebate lines that were manually added or changed in the Commissions (tdcms1550m000) session, are deleted.

Print Errors

If this check box is selected, all the records for which commissions or rebates could not be calculated are printed. If this check box is cleared, the error report is not printed.