Skills by Employee (tcppl0120m000)

Use this session to specify the employee's skills. This information is used in other packages for planning purposes.

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The employee for whom you specify the skills.


The employee's name.


The specific know-how or technical expertise that an employee must have to carry out activities. For example, knowledge of electricity, specific equipment, and so on.

Qualification Type

The level of skill competency of the employees.

Allowed values

Qualification Type

Skill Factor

Indicate how well the employee masters the skill. A high value indicates a high level of expertise.

Allowed values

The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

If multiple employees have the required skills for a specific task, LN uses the skill factors to select the most preferred employee for the task.

Effective Date

Date the skill is effective for an employee.

Expiry Date

Date the skill is expired for an employee.