Setting up a multisite structure within a company

If the Sites concept is activated in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session, a logistic company consists of one or more sites, and each site consists of multiple entities. The entities are also linked to an enterprise unit.

The typical procedure of setting up a multisite structure includes these steps:

  1. Define enterprise units.
  2. Define sites.
  3. Define site subentity settings.
  4. Define entities.

The alternative procedure includes these steps:

  1. Define sites.
  2. Define site subentity settings.
  3. Define enterprise units.
  4. Define entities.

These steps describe the regular procedure in detail:

Step 1. Define enterprise unit

See Defining enterprise units and entities.

Step 2. Define site
  1. In the Sites (tcemm0150m000) session, click New.
  2. In the Site (tcemm0650m000) session that starts, specify this information:

Step 3. Define subentity settings by site

In the Settings tab of the Site (tcemm0650m000) session, define the subentity settings for the site.

The subentity setting buttons refer to these sessions:

When you start these sessions, default settings are generated from the company parameters related to the subentities.

For example, if you click Warehousing, the Warehousing Settings by Site (whwmd2101m000) session starts and warehousing settings from various warehousing parameter sessions are set as default values in this session.

You can change the default settings and specify specific settings for the site as required.


Defining Warehousing and Production subentity settings by site is a prerequisite to link warehouses, production departments, and work centers to sites. For example, you cannot link a site to a production department if production settings by site are not present.

Defining Procurement, Sales, or Service subentity settings for a site is not required to define purchase offices, sales offices, or service offices located at that site.

Step 4. Define entities and link entities to site and enterprise unit

In the tabs of the lower half of the Site (tcemm0650m000) session, you can start the sessions in which you define the entities. In these sessions, you must link the entity to a site and an enterprise unit. See Defining entities for sites and Defining enterprise units and entities.

If you carry out the alternative procedure, in step 4, entities are created in the Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000) session. In the Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000) session, you can also access the sessions in which you define entities and link these to a site and an enterprise unit.