Resetting the Sites and Job Shop by Site concepts

When LN is newly implemented, that is, the new implementation is a first-time implementation and not an upgrade of an earlier version, the multisite concept parameters are set to Active. The multisite concept parameters and the other sessions and options involved in multisite activation are not displayed.

Organizations who require to deactivate the multisite functionality for specific reasons can reset the Sites and the Job Shop by Site concept parameters to Inactive.

This applies to organizations who have an LN configuration without the multisite functionality and who want to install a new LN configuration that is to be similar to the existing configuration, using similar setup and processes. Therefore, the Sites and Job Shop by Site concept parameters of the new configuration must be inactive. The new configuration is to run independently from the existing configuration.

To reset the Sites and the Job Shop by Site concept parameters, complete these steps:

  1. On the appropriate menu of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session, select Personalize Toolbar.
  2. In the Personalize Toolbar dialog box, unhide the Reset Job Shop by Site option and the Reset Sites option to display these options in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  3. Save and close the Personalize Toolbar dialog box.
  4. In the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session, select the Reset Job Shop by Site option and the Reset Sites option and set these concept parameters to Inactive.

Resetting the Item Type Product, Standard Cost by Enterprise Unit, and Planning Cluster Mandatory concept parameters is not required, because the impact of these settings on the business processes is limited.


The Reset Job Shop by Site option is unavailable once you have defined or more machine capacity groups, reference operations, Job Shop routings, or Job Shop BOMs.

The Reset Sites option is unavailable once you have defined one or more sites.