An outline of the multisite activation process

The activation process is performed in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

The activation is done by multisite concept. After completing the activation of the first concept, you proceed to the next concept.

You must activate these multisite concepts:

  • Item Type Product
  • Standard Cost by Enterprise Unit
  • Planning Cluster Mandatory
  • Sites
  • Job Shop by Site

You can activate the first three concepts in any order.

The Sites concept must be the penultimate, and the Job Shop by Site concept must be the last concept to be activated.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage of the activation process is launched by setting the activation status of a multisite concept to In Preparation. This enables the activation activities of the concept.

An activation activity is a specific set of master data or parameter setup. Each multisite concept has various activation activities.


These are the activation activities of the Item Type Product concept:

  • Print Item Defaults used for Product
  • Copy Defaults to Product
  • Reassign Item Group

The activities are enabled when you set the status of the concept to In Preparation.

Most activation activities are mandatory. You must complete the mandatory activities before you can proceed to the activation stage.

The order in which to perform the activation activities is indicated by the availability of the activity options in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

The Sites concept

The Sites concept has two preparatory stages. During the first preparatory stage, enterprise structure master data is defined. This stage has the Enterprise Model in Preparation status. During the second preparatory stage, item data and other master data is defined. This stage has the In Preparation status.


To set a multisite concept to Active, you must have super user rights. Users with normal user rights can perform activation activities and set the concept statuses Enterprise Model in Preparation or In Preparation.

Activation stage

After performing the activation activities, you can activate the multisite concept. This launches the activation process based on the setup completed in the activation activities and sets the concept status to Active.

For most concepts, the activation process is launched by clicking Activate. For the Standard Cost by Enterprise Unit concept, the activation is launched after completing the activation activities.

When a multisite concept is Active, you cannot perform the activation activities or change the concept status, but you can view the activation data and access some of the activities in the Activation Activity (tcemm4610m000) session.

Multicompany environments

Concept statuses are set for all companies of the multicompany environment at once.

Some activation activities, such as Assign Sites, are also performed for the entire multicompany environment. This is because the database tables of the Enterprise Modeling Management module are shared among the companies of the multicompany environment.

Consequently, this data is identical for each company and therefore, this activity can be performed for the entire multicompany environment at once.

Most activation activities are performed for individual companies.

Before you can set a multisite concept to Active, the mandatory activation activities of the concept must be completed in all companies of the multicompany environment.

To complete the activation activities, you can work simultaneously in multiple companies of the multicompany environment.