Validate Job Shop routings

Select the Job Shop Routings check box in the Validate Master Data for Job Shop by Site (timfc0200m000) session to check that routings are copied successfully from the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session to the Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000) and Standard Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m100) sessions, and that the routing codes present on orders and other objects match the generated routing codes.

When the Job Shop by site functionality is activated, routings are mandatory for planned production orders and production orders. For planned production orders and production orders without routing codes, a check is performed for whether routings have been generated that match the order quantities and revision reference dates.

For orders and other objects with a routing, these checks are performed:

  • Does the routing code of an order or other object match one of the routing codes present in the Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000) session?
  • Is an approved revision of the routing present in the Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000) session whose revision date matches the reference date of the order or other object?

The same checks are performed for these objects:

  • Planned orders of type Planned Production Order in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.
  • Production orders in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session.
  • Production order advice in the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.
  • Testing combinations in the Testing Combinations (qmptc0119m000) session.
  • Requisitions in the Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000) session.
  • Requests for Quotation in the Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session.
  • Costing breaks in the Costing Breaks - Production Resources (tppdm3102m000) session.

For planned production orders and production orders without a routing, LN checks whether routings are present that have these properties:

  • Planned production orders
    • Effective on the order reference date
    • Applicable for the order quantity
    • Approved
    • The Use for Planning check box is selected.
  • Production orders

    Production orders that are no rework orders and with status up to Completed.

    • Effective on the order reference date
    • Applicable for the order quantity
    • Approved