Job Shop by Site activation - Generating and validating reference operations

In the Generate Reference Operations (tirou4250m000) session, reference operations are created from tasks and task relations.

Tasks and reference operations are modeled differently. A task consists of task details and, optionally, multiple task relationships. The task relationships constitute a sublevel of the task. In the reference operation, the task relationship and the task information are presented at the same level.

Therefore, as a rule, multiple reference operations are created from one task. The only exception is a task without a default machine and default work center, and the Use Site-specific Reference Operations Only check box is cleared in the Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) session. In that case, a single reference operation is generated from a task.

The ID of a reference operation is composed of the reference operation code, machine type, site, and work center of the reference operation.

Based on a task and the related task relationships, these reference operations are generated:

  • A default reference operation.
  • One reference operation for each site, if the Use Site-specific Reference Operations Only check box is selected in the Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) session.
  • One or more reference operations based on the default settings of the task defined in the Tasks (Reference Operations) (tirou0103m000) session:

    • If a default work center and a default machine is specified, a reference operation is created for the machine type, work center, and the site related to the work center.
    • If only a default work center is specified, a reference operation is created for the work center and the site related to the work center.
    • If only a default machine is specified, a reference operation is created for the machine type and the site related to the machine type.
  • One or more reference operations based on these settings of the task relationship defined in the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session:

    • If a work center and a machine are specified, a reference operation is created for the machine type, work center, and the site related to the work center.
    • If only a work center is specified, a reference operation is created for the work center and the site related to the work center.
    • If only a machine is specified, a reference operation is created for the machine type and the site related to the machine type.

Machines are converted to machine types in the Job Shop by Site activation process. See Job Shop by Site activation - Generate machine types and machine groups.

Validating reference operations

After you have generated reference operations, validate the reference operations by selecting the Reference Operations check box in the Validate Master Data for Job Shop by Site (timfc0200m000) session.

For tasks that are present in generic routings, PCS activities, production orders, and testing combinations, this validation checks whether the task ID matches the ID of a reference operation generated in the Generate Reference Operations (tirou4250m000) session.

The matching tasks present on the generic routings, PCS activities, production orders, and testing combinations are converted to reference operations when the Job Shop by Site functionality is activated.

If no matching tasks are present, you cannot run these sessions and consequently, the Job Shop by Site functionality cannot be activated:

  • Generate Job Shop Routings (tirou4200m100).This session is used to copy routings from the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session to the Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000) and Standard Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m100) sessions.
  • Autofill Generic Routing (tipcf3210m200). This session is used to add sites, reference operations, and machine types to the Job Shop routing. See Autofill and validate generic routing