Validating machine types and machine groups

Validate machine types and capacity groups by selecting the Machine Types and Machine Groups check boxes in the Validate Master Data for Job Shop by Site (timfc0200m000) session.

The Machine Groups validation checks whether the machine type ID codes generated in the Machine Capacity Groups (tirou4161m000) session match the machine ID codes present in these objects for the related work center:

  • Generic routings

  • Production orders
  • Planned production orders

The Machine Types validation checks whether, in the Machine field of the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, machine ID codes are present that match the machine type ID codes generated in the Machine Types (tirou4160m000) session.

If yes, the machine codes are converted to machine type codes on the production orders, planned production orders, generic routings, and serialized items.

Production orders, planned production orders, generic routings, and serialized items whose machine codes do not match the generated machine type ID codes, are listed on the validation report. The machine codes must be manually adjusted.