Job Shop by Site activation - Generate and validate operation rates

In the Generate Operation Rates (ticpr1251m000) session, the existing operation rates are copied to the Operation Rates (ticpr1151m000) session.

The new operation rates have these properties:

  • Date effective
  • The generated operation rates are without sites. Therefore, they are applicable for all sites.
  • These Types of Operation Costs are supported:

    • Labor
    • Labor Setup
    • Machine
    • Overhead on Man Hours
    • Overhead on Machine Hours

The new operation rates are approved upon generation. Therefore, you cannot add sites to these rates or insert any other changes.

An exception to this rule is the operation rates of type Labor. These operation rates are copied to rates of type Labor and type Labor Setup. These rates can be changed, and must be approved manually.

Validating operation rates

After you have generated the machine types, machine groups, reference operations and operation rates, perform the Operation Rates validation in the Validate Master Data for Job Shop by Site (timfc0200m000) session.

The Operation Rates validation checks whether, in the Operation Rates (ticpr1151m000) session, operation rates have been generated that have an ID code that is identical to the existing ID codes of the operation rates present in these sessions:

  • Stations (tiasl1545m000)
  • Work Centers (tirou0101m000)
  • Reference Operations (tirou4150m000)
  • Machine Capacity Groups (tirou4161m000)
  • Work Cells (tirpt0140m000)

In these sessions, operation rates are present that were defined before the Job Shop by Site functionality is set up. If such rates are present with ID codes that do not match the new operation codes generated in the Operation Rates (ticpr1151m000) session, these are listed in the validation report and you must manually adjust the ID codes.

LN also checks whether unapproved operation rates are still present. Operation rates of type Labor Setup are generated without being approved. These operation rates must be manually approved or removed.