Job Shop by Site activation - Converting sequences to revisions

To copy routings from the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session to the Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000) and Standard Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m100) sessions, the routing operation sequences must be converted to routing revisions.

Before the implementation of the Job Shop by Site functionality, a routing operation had one or more versions. A version was represented by a sequence number and an effective date. Thus, each operation had one or more sequences, and each sequence had an effective date. For example, operation 10 could have three sequences, each with different effective dates than operation 20.

When the Job Shop by Site functionality is activated, the new Job Shop routings are used. For a Job Shop routing, versions are defined as revisions in the routing header instead of operation sequences.

Creating routing revisions

In the Generate Job Shop Routings (tirou4200m100) and Generate Production and Job Shop Bills of Material (tibom3200m400) sessions, these options are available to convert operation sequences to revisions:


One revision is created from the operation sequences that are present on or after the date specified in the Create From field. For each operation, the sequence that is effective on the current date is added as an operation to the new revision. The date specified in the Create From field is the effective date of the new revision and the new operations.


Sequences that are not effective on the current date are not converted.

For example, the old routing or BOM has operations 10 and 20. Operation 10 has sequences 10/1, 10/2, and 10/3. Sequence 10/2 is effective on the current date. Operation 20 has sequences 20/1, 20/2, 20/3, and 20/4. Sequence 20/1 is effective on the current date.

Consequently, revision 001 is created with operations 10 and 20. Operation 10 is created from sequence 10/2, and operation 20 is created from sequence 20/1. The other sequences are not converted.


Multiple revisions can be created from the operation sequences.

One revision is created for each effective date and expiry date present in the operation sequences, that falls after the date specified in the Create From field. An exception is that effective or expiry dates that do not differ by more than one day are converted to a single revision.

The date specified in the Create From field is the effective date of the first new revision and the new operations.


Sequences that are not effective after the date specified in the Create From field are not converted.

Revisions have no expiry dates. A revision is effective until the next revision becomes effective.

If the Validate and Approve check box is selected in the Generate Job Shop Routings (tirou4200m100) session or the Generate Production and Job Shop Bills of Material (tibom3200m400) session, the newly created revisions receive the Approved status, except for revisions with effective dates in the future. Revisions with effective dates in the future receive status New, which allows you to modify these revisions.