Activating mandatory planning clusters for multisite

To use the functionality for multisite, the value of the Planning Cluster Mandatory field must be Active in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. If this parameter is Active, planning clusters are mandatory.

To activate mandatory planning clusters, complete these steps:

Step 1. In Preparation

Click In Preparation in the Planning Cluster Mandatory tab in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. Consequently, the status changes from Inactive to In Preparation.

Step 2. Manually Update Planning Clusters

Based on your enterprise structure design as described in Activating multisite - overview, assign specific planning clusters to warehouses. This is to limit the number of warehouses to which to assign the default planning cluster that is defined in the next step.

The default planning cluster is automatically assigned to warehouses with an "empty" planning cluster when you carry out step 4. Consequently, during the activation of the Sites parameter, when sites are assigned to warehouses, only the sites linked to the default planning cluster are available for the warehouses to which the default planning cluster is assigned in step 3.

This may offer a too limited choice of sites, especially if your enterprise structure includes multiple planning clusters and multiple sites. Therefore, you are recommended to assign specific planning clusters to warehouses, based on your enterprise structure design, before defining and activating the default planning cluster.

Step 3. Specify Default Planning Cluster

Specify a default planning cluster in the Default Planning Cluster field of the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session for each logistic company of the current multicompany environment.

Note: You cannot specify an existing planning cluster from the Planning Clusters (tcemm1135m000) session as the default planning cluster. The default planning cluster contains the new value that replaces the “empty” planning cluster of warehouses, effectivity units, and plan items when the Planning Cluster Mandatory concept is set to Active, see next step.

Step 4. Activate

Note: For this step, super user rights are required.

Click Activate the Planning Cluster Mandatory tab in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. Consequently, you must perform a data upgrade run, and these processes are performed:

  • The Initialize Data Upgrade Run (ttspt2200m000) session starts. Refer to the Online Help of this session for further information about the data upgrade run.
  • The status changes from In Preparation to Active.
  • For the warehouses, effectivity units, and plan items with "empty" planning clusters, LN replaces the "empty" planning cluster with the default planning cluster specified in the previous step.
  • Planning clusters have become mandatory. Therefore, a planning cluster must be present for each warehouse or plan item. During the activation of the next concept, Sites, you must link a planning cluster to each site when you define sites.