To create an accounting office

To create an accounting office, complete these steps:

  1. Work in the financial company for which you create the accounting office. The company can be of type Financial or Both. In this way, the financial company is the operational company of the accounting office.
  2. Add the accounting office using one of these methods:

    • In the Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000) session, double-click the appropriate enterprise unit, and then, in the Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000) session, on the Departments tab, click the New button.
    • On the Tools menu, select Run Program to access the Departments (tcemm1124m000) session, and then click the New button.
  3. In the Finance Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session, on the General tab, specify the company's default accounting office in the Accounting Department field.