Setting up the intracommunity listing

LN collects the data from the sales invoices that you send to business partners with addresses in EU member countries that are different from the country of your company's address.

To set up LN to collect the sales-listing data, use the following sequence of sessions:

Step 1. 

Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000), select the EU Sales Listing check box.

Step 2. 

In the General Company Data (tccom0102s000), specify your company's own VAT number in the Tax Number of Own Company field.

Step 3. 

In the Countries (tcmcs0510m000), select the EU Member State check box when you define a country that is a member of the European Union (EU).

Step 4. 

In the Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), specify the tax identification number of each business partner in an EU member country.

Step 5. 

In the Intracommunity Listing Declaration Periods by Tax Period (tccom7103m000), specify the periods for which you must submit the sales listing and map the periods to the tax periods defined for the financial company.

Step 6. 

In the Sales Listing Declaration Layout (tccom7101m000), specify or update the layout of the sales listing XML file. If you generate a comma-separated (CSV) file, you must also use this session to define the required fields.


If you use the DEM Content Pack with Infor LN, consider using the MFI5200 (EU Sales Listing) wizard to set up the EU sales listing. You can execute this predefined wizard from the Wizards by Project Model (tgwzr4502m000) session after you specified the business function model for your company.

For collecting the sales listing data, see Collecting the sales listing data.