Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000)

Use this session to maintain the revisions of a landed costs code.



A code that identifies landed costs.


A user-defined category of landed costs, for example, "Freight", "Handling", "Insurance."

Effective Date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.

Expiry Date

The date from which a record or a setting is no longer valid. The expiry date often includes the expiry time.


If this field is empty and a new revision is specified, this field is automatically filled with the effective date of the new revision if this date is after the effective date of the current revision.

Landed Cost
Receive Invoice

If this check box is selected, an invoice will be received from the buy-from business partner for the landed costs.

Charged by Supplier

If this check box is selected, the landed costs will be charged by the supplier (on the purchase order). In that case, the estimated landed costs will be printed on the purchase order.

If this check box is cleared, the landed costs are charged by third parties.


If this check box is selected, the Method cannot be By Freight Management.

Business Partner

The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.

Landed Cost Currency

A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices
Calculation Method

Determines how landed costs are calculated.

Allowed values

Calculation Method

  • You cannot select By Distance if the Usage Distance Tables field is No in the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.
  • You cannot select By Freight Management, Fixed Amount, or By Distance if the landed costs revision is linked to a landed costs set with the Used for field specified as Cost Price Calculation.

The price based on which the landed cost amount is determined.

A price can only be applicable if the Method is By Weight, By Volume, or By Quantity.


The unit to which the price applies.

Fixed Amount

The fixed amount based on which the landed cost amount is determined.

A fixed amount can only be applicable if the Method is Fixed Amount.

Fixed Amount Level

The level to which the Fixed Amount is applied.


If the Method is By Freight Management, this field is always Order Line.

Allowed values

Fixed Amount Level

Apportioning Type

Determines how landed costs that are specified as a Fixed Amount on header level, are apportioned to the lines.

Allowed values

Apportioning Type


The percentage of the order (line) amount or the surcharge percentage over other landed costs, based on which the landed cost amount is determined.

A percentage can only be applicable if the Method is Percentage Value or Surcharge Percentage.

Price Stage

A categorization of the price based on the phase of the price negotiation process. Using price stages, companies can negotiate the price while continuing the order process with restrictions. The order processing restrictions that apply to the price stage are specified in the linked blocking definition.

Price StageTypeBlocking Definition
PS1Price stage estimatedPurchase004Block on release
PS2Price stage provisionalPurchase005Block on receipt
PS3Price stage finalPurchase--
PS5Price stage estimatedSales010Signal on order entry



The price stage is applicable only for landed cost lines that are linked to a purchase order line.

Apply Discounts before Calculation

If this check box is selected, order header and line discounts are taken into account when calculating the landed cost amount.

Surcharge Criteria
Business Partner

The buy-from business partner for whom a surcharge amount must be calculated if the Method is Surcharge Percentage.


The surcharge landed cost line is based on the total of all landed cost lines that are linked to the same business object and for which these Surcharge Criteria are the same:

  • Business Partner
  • Landed Cost Type

If this field is empty, the business partner is not taken into account when determining the surcharge amount.


  • Purchase order: P0001
  • Line: 10
  • Item: Vision
  • Distance: 500 km
  • Quantity: 10 pcs
  • Volume: 35 m³
Landed Costs LineCalculation MethodPrice or PercentageAmountBuy-from BPLanded Cost Type
1By Distance0,20 EUR / km100 EURPIRANTRANSPORT
2By Quantity1,00 EUR / pcs10 EURJUWELINSURANCE
4Surcharge Percentage3%5,1 EURPIRANTRANSPORT


The amount of landed costs revision 4 is calculated as follows:

  • Add up the landed cost amounts of the lines with the same buy-from business partner and landed cost type. In this example, these are lines one and three. The result is 170 Euro.
  • Calculate the surcharge amount by multiplying the total of 170 by 3% of line four. The result is 5.10 Euro.
Landed Cost Type

The landed cost type for which a surcharge amount must be calculated if the Method is Surcharge Percentage.


The surcharge landed costs line is based on the total of all landed cost lines that are linked to the same business object and for which these Surcharge Criteria are the same:

  • Business Partner
  • Landed Cost Type

Default value

The Landed Cost Type in the Landed Costs (tclct1115m000) session.


  • Purchase order: P0001
  • Line: 10
  • Item: Vision
  • Distance: 500 km
  • Quantity: 10 pcs
  • Volume: 35 m³
Landed Costs LineCalculation MethodPrice or PercentageAmountBuy-from BPLanded Cost Type
1By Distance0,20 EUR / km100 EURPIRANTRANSPORT
2By Quantity1,00 EUR / pcs10 EURJUWELINSURANCE
4Surcharge Percentage3%5,1 EURPIRANTRANSPORT


The amount of landed cost line 4 is calculated as follows:

  • Add up the landed cost amounts of the lines with the same buy-from business partner and landed cost type. In this example, these are lines one and three. The result is 170 Euro.
  • Calculate the surcharge amount by multiplying the total of 170 by 3% of line four. The result is 5.10 Euro.
Cost Component

The cost component that is required for posting cost lines to Financials.

If you leave this field empty, the cost component of the item is used.

Service Location Address

The address at which the service is provided.

VAT Based on

The type of delivery to which the tax exception applies for the transaction.

Service Tax Type

The service's cost type.


If this check box is selected, a text exists for the cost line.