Update Child Orders (tcitr3200m500)

Use this session to update the child intercompany trade orders of the selected intercompany trade order.

This session is available if the selected intercompany trade order has status Open or Ready for Process.

In this session, select a check box to update the corresponding field in the linked child intercompany trade orders. You can use the Select All and Clear All options to select or clear all of the check boxes.



If this check box is selected, the corresponding field in the linked child intercompany trade orders is updated with the value of the parent intercompany trade order.

Intercompany Trade Order

A commission to buy, sell, or transport goods, or render services between organizational units that belong to the same organization.

For example, a sales office and a warehouse belong to the same organization. The sales office instructs the warehouse to deliver goods to an external customer to fulfill a sales order. The warehouse incurs costs for the goods delivered and the sales office is indebted to the warehouse.

An intercompany trade order consists of a header and transaction lines. The header data include the organizational units involved and the applicable transfer pricing rules. The transaction lines display the amounts of the individual items and the dates and times. Depending on the transfer pricing rules, some pricing details are maintainable.

Intercompany Trade Order Line

The intercompany trade order line number.

Intercompany Trade Order Status
Intercompany Trade Scenario

A business process, such as External Material Delivery Sales, involving two parts of an organization defined as entities. An intercompany trade scenario is linked to an intercompany trade agreement. The intercompany trade scenario and the intercompany trade agreement are linked to an intercompany trade relationship.


The entities sales office S1 and warehouse W1 are part of organization A, but they are located in different countries. To fulfill a sales order to an external customer, S1 instructs W1 to deliver the goods to the customer. W1 sends an internal invoice to S1 to cover the costs for the goods and the delivery. The amount of the internal invoice is based on the sales order price.

Adopt Selling Cost Structure

If this check box is selected, the cost structure of the item or project of the selling entity is adopted by the buying entity.

This is used for various types of cost and profit margin analyses.

This setting is defaulted from the Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.


This check box cannot be selected if the intercompany trade scenario is External Material Delivery Purchase and the:

  • Related business object is a Project, Service Order, or a Maintenance Work Order.
  • Originating business object is a Supplier Claim.
  • Item is related to a Project.
COGS Cost Component

The cost component to which the intercompany trade COGS ( cost of goods sold) is charged.

Margin Cost Component

The cost component for which to book the intercompany trade margin of the selling entity.

  • This field is disabled if:

    • The Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box is cleared.
    • The Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box is selected, and the Scenario is WIP Transfer.
  • This field is enabled and mandatory only if:

    • The Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box is selected or,
    • The COGS Cost Component field is specified.
  • If the Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box is selected, this field is mandatory for these intercompany trade scenarios:

    • External Material Delivery Sales
    • External Material Delivery Purchase
    • External Material Direct Delivery
    • Internal Material Delivery
    • Project (PCS) Delivery
  • The value of this field is defaulted from the Margin Cost Component field of the intercompany trade order sessions.
Updated Orders

If this check box is selected, the updated child orders are printed.


If this check box is selected, an error report of the printing process is generated.



Updates the child intercompany trade orders according to the specified settings.

Select All

Selects all of the check boxes except for the Print Options.

Clear All

Clears all of the check boxes except for the Print Options.