Linked Orders (tcitr3100m600)

Use this session to view the intercompany trade orders created for the backorders or return orders of the originating business object of the current intercompany trade order.


Original Order Company
Original Order

The original ITR order of the current intercompany trade order.

Original Order Line

The position number of the original ITR order of the current intercompany trade order.


The company in which the intercompany trade order is created.


The order number of the intercompany trade order.

Order Line

The position number of the intercompany trade order.

Order Type

The type of order for which the current intercompany trade order is created.

Retrieve Original Order Settings

If this check box is selected, the data and settings of the original ITR order are used as default values for the current intercompany trade order.

If the current intercompany trade order is based on a return order, the setting (checked or cleared) of the Retrieve Original Settings for Return Order check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session is used as the default for the current check box.

If the current intercompany trade order is based on a backorder, the setting (checked or cleared) of the Retrieve Original Settings for Backorder check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session is used as the default for the current check box.

This field is unavailable if the status of the intercompany trade order is other than Open or Ready for Process.

Ordered Quantity

The item quantity.

If the intercompany trade scenario is Labor or Expenses, this is the number of hours or other time unit that is booked.

From Ordered Quantity Unit

The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

Price Origin

The Price Origin of the intercompany trade scenario on which the intercompany trade order is based.

Markdown Percentage

The percentage by which the internal invoice is reduced. For example, if the sales price for the customer is EUR 100 and the markdown percentage is 5%, the internal invoice amount is EUR 95.

Only applicable to:

  • Sales Order Price (Gross)
  • Sales Order Price (Net)
  • Sales Order Customs Value
Markup Percentage

The percentage by which the internal invoice is increased.

Only applicable to:

  • Cost Plus
  • Purchase Order Price (Gross)
  • Purchase Order Price (Net)
Profit Split Percentage

The profit percentage of the external sales order, contract deliverable, or service order that the selling entity of the intercompany trade relationship is to receive. The remaining percentage goes to the buying entity.

Related topics

Agreed Commercial Price

A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices



Displays the details of the selected intercompany trade order


Displays the the intercompany trade agreement on which the selected intercompany trade order is based.

Originating Business Object

Displays the originating order line of the intercompany trade order. For more information, refer to Intercompany trade orders.

Related Business Object

Displays the related order of the intercompany trade order. For more information, refer to Intercompany trade orders.

Pro Forma Invoice Information
Sales Invoice Information

Displays the details of the internal sales invoice of the intercompany trade order. These details are available after the transaction lines are released to Invoicing. For more information, refer to The intercompany trade-order procedure.

Purchase Invoice Information

Displays the details of the internal purchase invoice of the intercompany trade order. These details are available after the transaction lines are released to Invoicing. For more information, refer to The intercompany trade-order procedure.