Intercompany Trade Relationships 360 (tcitr2300m000)

The fields in the header section of this session are used as selection criteria to retrieve the desired intercompany trade relations. The lines section displays the matching intercompany trade relations.

To view or maintain the details of one of the matching intercompany trade relations, from the lines section of this session select the intercompany trade relation and from the appropriate menu, select:

  • Agreement to view or maintain the trade agreement details in the Intercompany Trade Agreement (tcitr1600m000) session.
  • Relationship to view or maintain the trade relationship details in the Intercompany Trade Relationship (tcitr2600m000) session.



The type of entity that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.

From Operational Company

The operational company of the entity in the From Entity Code field.

From Entity

The entity that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.

Financial Company

The financial company that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.


The type of entity that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.

To Operational Company

The operational company of the entity in the To Entity field.

To Entity Code

The entity that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.

Financial Company

The financial company that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.


The applicable intercompany trade scenario for the trade relations to be retrieved.

Allowed values

Intercompany Trade Scenario

  • Any (no selection)
  • External Material Delivery Sales
  • External Material Direct Delivery
  • Internal Material Delivery
  • Freight
  • Subcontracting Depot Repair
  • Project (PCS) Delivery
  • WIP Transfer
Price Origin

The price origin of the intercompany trade agreement of the applicable intercompany trade scenario for the trade relations to be retrieved.

Allowed values

Intercompany Trade Price Origin

  • Any (no selection)
  • Cost Plus
  • Time and Material
  • Commercial Price
  • Sales Order Price (Gross)
  • Sales Order Price (Net)
  • Purchase Order Price (Gross)
  • Purchase Order Price (Net)
  • Sales Order Customs Value
Intercompany Trade Agreement

The intercompany trade agreement of the applicable intercompany trade scenario for the trade relations to be retrieved.

Effective Date

The effective date of the intercompany trade scenario and intercompany trade agreement of the trade relations to be retrieved.


The description of the current intercompany trade relation.

From Entity

The type of entity that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation. This field is empty and unavailable if Entity is not selected in the From Type field.

From Operational Company

The operational company of the entity in the From Entity Code field.

From Entity

The entity that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.

From Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation. This field is empty and unavailable if Enterprise Unit is not selected in the From Type field.

From Financial Company

To Entity

To Operational Company

The operational company of the entity in the To Entity field.

Entity Code

The entity that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.

To Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation. This field is empty and unavailable if Enterprise Unit is not selected in the From Type field.

To Financial Company

The financial company that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation. If you specified a specific entity or enterprise unit, this field displays the financial company of the entity or enterprise unit.

Search Sequence

The search priority that LN uses to retrieve the intercompany trade relations that correspond with the entities involved in an order. The lower the search sequence number, the higher the search priority, which means the more specific the trade unit type, the higher the priority. The first digit of the search sequence number represents the from-side, and the second digit the to-side of the intercompany trade relation. The setting of the Search Sequence Intercompany Trade Relationships parameter in the Intercompany Trade Parameters (tcitr0100m000) session determines whether the from-side or the to-side of the relation has priority.

How the priority number is composed

The first digit of the search sequence number represents the from-side, and the second digit the to-side of the intercompany trade relation. Each Trade Unit Type has a number:

Intercompany Trade Unit TypeNumber
Specific Entity1
Specific Enterprise Unit and Intercompany Trade Classification2
Specific Enterprise Unit3
Specific Financial Company and Intercompany Trade Classification4
Specific Financial Company5
Any Financial Company and Intercompany Trade Classification6
Any Financial Company7
Any Enterprise Unit and Intercompany Trade Classification8
Any Enterprise Unit9


For example, if you specify this relation: From enterprise unit EU 1 with trade classification ABC To any financial company, the search sequence number is 27 if the Search Sequence Intercompany Trade Relationships parameter is set to From. If the setting is To, the search sequence number is 72.


A business process, such as External Material Delivery Sales, involving two parts of an organization defined as entities. An intercompany trade scenario is linked to an intercompany trade agreement. The intercompany trade scenario and the intercompany trade agreement are linked to an intercompany trade relationship.


The entities sales office S1 and warehouse W1 are part of organization A, but they are located in different countries. To fulfill a sales order to an external customer, S1 instructs W1 to deliver the goods to the customer. W1 sends an internal invoice to S1 to cover the costs for the goods and the delivery. The amount of the internal invoice is based on the sales order price.


The Labor and Expenses scenarios are unavailable if the:

  • From Entity is Warehouse or Project.
  • To Entity is Warehouse, Shipping Office, or Project.

The External Material Delivery Purchase scenario is unavailable if the:

  • From Entity is any of these:

    • Warehouse
    • Project
    • Shipping Office
    • Project Management Office
  • To Entity is Shipping Office or Project.
Effective Date

The effective date applies to the intercompany trade scenarios and intercompany trade agreements present for the current trade relation.

If more than one identical trade scenario is present, the one with the most recent effective date is effective. Trade scenarios with effective dates in the future (beyond the current date) are not yet effective.

Intercompany Trade Agreement

An attribute that includes the intercompany trade details for an intercompany trade scenario. An intercompany trade agreement is linked to an intercompany trade relationship, together with the intercompany trade scenario.

For the applicable intercompany trade scenario and trade relationship, an intercompany trade agreement:

  • Determines whether internal invoicing is used.
  • Determines whether intercompany trade orders must be approved before they can be processed.
  • Includes the transfer pricing rules that determine the amounts of the intercompany trade transactions.
  • Determines the amounts of the internal invoices, if internal invoicing is specified.

Sales office S1 and warehouse W1 are part of organization A, but are located in different countries. To fulfill a sales order to an external customer, S1 instructs W1 to deliver the goods to the customer. W1 sends an internal invoice to S1 to cover the costs for the goods and the delivery. The amount of the internal invoice is based on the sales order price.

Price Origin

The pricing that must be used for the internal invoice of the selected intercompany trade scenario.


The available price origins depend on the selected intercompany trade scenario. For more information, refer to Intercompany Trade Scenario.

From Type

The type of segment of your organization that constitutes the from- side of the intercompany trade relation.

From Intercompany Trade Classification

An attribute consisting of a code and a description that is used to create groups of entities or enterprise units. To create a group, a number of entities or enterprise units is linked to an intercompany trade classification. These groups can be used to define intercompany trade relationships.


A large international organization includes these enterprise units:

In Europe

  • UK
  • France
  • Belgium

In Asia

  • India
  • China
  • Japan

Trade classification Europe is linked to the European enterprise units and trade classification Asia is linked to the Asian enterprise units. You can set up trade relations, for example to define different trade agreements in Europe and Asia, such as:

  • Asia to Europe
  • Europe to Asia
  • Asia to Asia
  • Europe to Europe
To Type

The type of segment of your organization that constitutes the to- side of the intercompany trade relation.

To Intercompany Trade Classification

An attribute consisting of a code and a description that is used to create groups of entities or enterprise units. To create a group, a number of entities or enterprise units is linked to an intercompany trade classification. These groups can be used to define intercompany trade relationships.


A large international organization includes these enterprise units:

In Europe

  • UK
  • France
  • Belgium

In Asia

  • India
  • China
  • Japan

Trade classification Europe is linked to the European enterprise units and trade classification Asia is linked to the Asian enterprise units. You can set up trade relations, for example to define different trade agreements in Europe and Asia, such as:

  • Asia to Europe
  • Europe to Asia
  • Asia to Asia
  • Europe to Europe
Internal Invoice

If this check box is selected, internal invoicing is applicable to intercompany trade transactions.

Currency Origin

The origin of the currency of the internal invoice or intercompany settlement transaction.


The currency of the intercompany trade transaction. The currency is displayed if the currency origin is Specific.

Markdown Percentage

The percentage by which the internal invoice is reduced. For example, if the sales price for the customer is EUR 100 and the markdown percentage is 5%, the internal invoice amount is EUR 95.

Only applicable to:

  • Sales Order Price (Gross)
  • Sales Order Price (Net)
  • Sales Order Customs Value
Markup Percentage

The percentage by which the internal invoice is increased.

Only applicable to:

  • Cost Plus
  • Purchase Order Price (Gross)
  • Purchase Order Price (Net)
Markup Amount

The amount by which the internal invoice is increased.

This is only applicable to the Freight scenario and the Cost Plus price origin.


The currency of the markup amount.



View all scenarios present for the current trade relation.


View the effective scenarios present for the current trade relation.

Not Expired

View the scenarios for the current trade relation that are not expired. These include effective and future scenarios.