Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000)

Use this session to define the conversion factors to convert a specific unit to the base unit or to the item's inventory unit.

You can specify conversion factors on three levels:

  • Item level. Specify the item in the Item field.
  • Item group level. Specify the item group in the Item Group field and leave the Item field empty.
  • General unit level. Leave the Item field and the Item Group empty.

LN always searches for the most detailed level available.


Once you have defined conversion factors in this session between the units and the company's base units, you can no longer change the base unit. To change the base unit, you must first delete the conversion factors related to the base unit. Use the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0500m000) session to define the company's base units.



You can specify conversion factors on three levels:

  • Item level. Specify the item in the Item field.
  • Item group level. Specify the item group in the Item Group field and leave the Item field empty.
  • General unit level. Leave the Item field and the Item Group empty.
Item Group

You can specify conversion factors on three levels:

  • Item level. Specify the item in the Item field.
  • Item group level. Specify the item group in the Item Group field and leave the Item field empty.
  • General unit level. Leave the Item field and the Item Group empty.
Base Unit

If quantities expressed in alternative units are used in calculations or formulas, these quantities are first converted to the base unit.

For each company, base units must be defined for weight, length, surface area, volume, and time.


The physical quantity in which an item or good is managed. For example, a quantity of wood can be expressed as a length by using the unit of one meter, or as a volume by using the unit of one cubic meter.

Conversion Factor

The multiplication factor used to convert an alternative unit to the base unit. The conversion factor is calculated as follows: (alternative unit/base unit)

Raise 10 to the Power

The Raise 10 to the Power value for the conversion factor.


If the conversion factor is 12 and the Raise 10 to the Power value is 3, the actual conversion factor is 12000.


The Raise 10 to the Power value has a maximum of 6 (10 ^ 6 = 1000000) and a minimum of - 8 (10 ^ - 8 = 0.00000001)

Inverse Value

The inverse conversion value is calculated as: 1/conversion factor


If the conversion factor is 12, the inverse value is 0.08333 (1/12).

Raise 10 to the Power

The Raise 10 to the Power value for the inverse value of the conversion factor.


If the inverse value is 0.08333 (1/12) and the Raise 10 to the Power value is -3, the actual inverse value of the conversion factor is 0.00008333.


If this check box is selected, the conversion factor is approved and released. You can update an approved conversion factor using the Update Approved Conversion Factor (tcibd0103s100) session.

To approve a conversion factor, select a record and click Approve Conversion Factor on the appropriate menu.


Approve Conversion Factor

Click to approve and release a conversion factor.