Item Segmentation (tcibd0100s000)

Use this session to view the item segmentation parameters.

The parameters divide the item code in several segments and are used throughout LN. Segmented item codes are exclusively used for customized items.


The values displayed in this session are retrieved from the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session. Set up or modify the item segmentation only in the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session and not in the current session.


The segmented item code is divided into these segments:

  • The project code, for example, PRJ01.
  • The item base code, for example, 281071/5000R

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The package code.

Domain Name

For this session the domain is Item, which is automatically linked to fields with the code segment Item.

Start Position

The segment's start position in the item code.


If the length of segment number one is 9, segment number two starts at position 10 in the item code.

Application Content

The defined segment of the item code.


The project code always is the first segment in the item code.

Segment Number

The sequence number of the segments, generated by LN.

Length of Segment

The maximum length of the segment in the item code.


The way a segment is arranged and affects the sorting of data.


The way alphanumeric characters are stored.

Zoom Session

A zoom session is defined for each application content.

Length of Segment

Displays the maximum length for the segment in the item code.