Import Letter of Credit Charges and Commissions (tcgtc0152m100)

Use this session to view and maintain charges and commissions related to the letter of credit (L/C).

These are charges that the seller must pay, such as agent's commissions, commercial discounts, postage, or wharfing and warehouse.

This session is also displayed as a satellite session of the Import Letter of Credit (tcgtc0650m100) session.


Letter of Credit ID

The generated identification number of the letter of credit (L/C).


The version number of the letter of credit (L/C). This number is increased by 1 when a document is linked or when the letter of credit is unapproved to allow adjustments.


You can only change the most recent version of the letter of credit.


The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.


The charges related to the Letter of Credit.

To be Paid By

The code of the business partner who must pay the charge.

Charge Amount

The charge amount expressed in the currency specified in letter of credit.

Settlement Date

The date on which the charge amount must be settled (paid).


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Charge Currency

The currency in which the charge amount is expressed.