Variance origin

  • Receipt Price Change

    A change of the receipt price.

  • Currency Variance (Stage Payment)

    The variance caused by the difference between the home amounts of the stage payment purchase invoice and the related receipt transaction. The home amounts of the purchase invoice are calculated with currency rates of the invoice and the home amounts of the receipt transaction are calculated with currency rates of the purchase order.

  • Not Applicable

    Inventory variance is not applicable.

  • Expense Tax (Stage Payment)

    The variance caused by the amount of the expense purchase tax of the purchase invoice.

  • Currency Variance

    The variance caused by the difference between the home amounts of the purchase invoice and the related receipt transaction.

  • Currency Gain and Loss

    The variance caused by the difference in currency rates used for the credit and debit side of a financial transaction. For example, at the invoice accrual (credit) side of a Purchase Order / Receipt transaction, currency rates of the purchase rate type are used and at the interim transit (debit) side, the currency rates of the internal rate type are used. The difference in home amounts credit and debit are booked as gain and loss.

  • Currency Variance (Landed Costs)

    The variance caused by the difference between the home amounts of the landed cost purchase invoice and the related landed costs invoiced transaction.

  • Invoice Variance

    The invoice price is different from the receipt price.

  • Additional Calculation Office Variance
  • Expense Tax

    The purchase invoice included expense tax, which was processed to the inventory.

  • Efficiency Variance

    Efficiency variance is a part of the production result that is created by differences between the estimated and actual material quantities and hours. The efficiency variance shows how efficiently materials and resources are used.

  • Price Variance
  • Landed Cost Receipt Price Change

    The variance caused by a change of the price of a landed cost line after the receipt was processed.

  • Landed Cost Invoice Variance

    The variance caused by the difference between the amount of the landed cost purchase invoice and the related landed costs invoiced transaction.

  • Landed Cost Expensed Tax

    The variance caused by the amount of the expense purchase tax of the landed cost invoice.

  • Landed Cost Tax Correction

    The variance caused by tax amounts added to or subtracted from the landed cost value according to local tax regulations.

  • Tax Correction

    The variance caused by tax amounts added to or subtracted from the purchase value according to local tax regulations.