Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000)

Use this session to display and maintain the calendar codes by which calendars are identified.

In this session, you define the general calendar data such as the start date, the end date, and the parent calendar.

The Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000) details session has the following options with which you can fine-tune the calendar settings:

You can also select the above mentioned command through the appropriate menu. To zoom to the Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000) session, and add availability types to your calendar, in the overview session, select Calendar Availability Types from the appropriate menu.

To delete a calendar with all of its details, click select the calendar code, and then click Delete on the appropriate menu.


Calendar Code

The code that identifies the calendar.

Parent Calendar

The parent calendar of the current calendar.

For dates not defined in this calendar, LN applies its parent calendar.

To maintain a consistent calendar structure, it is recommended that the calendars for all parts of your organization are directly or indirectly derived from the calendar code you selected as company calendar.

A child calendar cannot extend outside the time frame of its parent. Therefore, you cannot set a child calendar's start date earlier than the parent calendar's start date and you cannot set the child calendar's end date later than the parent calendar's end date.

Calendar Start Date

The Calendar Start Date field and the Calendar End Date field indicate the time frame that applies to this calendar.

A child calendar cannot extend outside the time frame of its parent. Therefore, you cannot set a child calendar's start date earlier than the parent calendar's start date and you cannot set the child calendar's end date later than the parent calendar's end date.

For the time frame between the start date and the end date, LN displays workings hours and capacity data in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session.

Calendar End Date

The Calendar Start Date field and the Calendar End Date field indicate the time frame that applies to this calendar.

A child calendar cannot extend outside the time frame of its parent. Therefore, you cannot set a child calendar's start date earlier than the parent calendar's start date and you cannot set the child calendar's end date later than the parent calendar's end date.

For the time frame between the start date and the end date, LN displays workings hours and capacity data in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session.