BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000)

Use this session to maintain the parameters related to Business Object Document (BOD) publishing.

Related topics


Effective Date

The date and time that the parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set. For example, you can indicate why you change the parameters.


If this check box is selected, the setup of the tenant and accounting entity was approved.


The tenant that is linked to the current company in the standard setup.


If you use an advanced setup, specify the tenant in the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session, which you can start from the appropriate menu of this session.

Related topics

  • Infor LN Configuration Guide for Infor ION
Accounting Entity

The accounting entity that is linked to the current company in the standard setup.


If you use an advanced setup, specify the accounting entity in the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session, which you can start from the appropriate menu of this session.

Related topics

  • Infor LN Configuration Guide for Infor ION
Prevent BOD Publishing

If this check box is selected, LN does not publish BODs.

To prevent LN from publishing BODs before the setup in LN is completed, complete these steps:

  1. Select this check box.
  2. Complete the configuration of the integration.
  3. Clear this check box.
  4. Run the initial load sessions.
Inbound Routing Error Handling

Use this field to specify the action to take when an incoming BOD cannot be processed because the company is not equal to the company in which the BOD is received, or the Accounting Entity and Location cannot be matched in the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session.


In a multicompany structure, inbound BODs are sent to multiple companies. To test if incoming BODs are correctly processed in a multicompany structure, it can be useful to specify this field as Return Error or Log Error. Because only one company must process the BOD, set this parameter to Ignore Error after testing.

Schema Version Mode

Changes to BODs are delivered for new integrations. However, sometimes these changes can break existing integrations. Use this field to handle backward compatibility issues with older BOD schema versions.

You can specify the schema version with which the integration must be compatible, or always select the latest schema version.

Schema Version

If the Schema Version Mode is set to Compatible with Schema Version, specify the schema version.

Latest Schema Version

The currently installed schema version, which is the default setting.

Add Address

Define whether or not, in the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session, a new address must be created from a BOD if no matching address can be found.


You can only define this field if the Number Group and Series for addresses are specified in the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.

Allowed values

Create Options

Add State/Province

Define whether or not, in the States/Provinces (tcmcs1143m000) session, a new state/province must be created from a BOD if no matching state/province can be found for the address.

Allowed values

Create Options

Add ZIP Code

Define whether or not, in the ZIP Codes/Postal Codes (tccom4536m000) session, a new zip code must be created from a BOD if no matching zip code can be found for the address.

Allowed values

Create Options

Add City

Define whether or not, in the Cities by Country (tccom4539m000) session, a new city must be created from a BOD if no matching city can be found for the address.

Allowed values

Create Options

Publish Proforma Invoice BOD

If this check box is selected, when a shipment is confirmed in Warehousing, an InvoiceBOD must be published.

Freight Cost Item for Invoice

This parameter determines the InvoiceCharge_Type on the line of an InvoiceBOD. If the item on the line is equal to the item specified in this field, the InvoiceCharge_Type is Freight. Otherwise, the InvoiceCharge_Type is Other.

Automatic Confirm Shipments from WMS

If this check box is selected, and a shipment is created based on an incoming ShipmentBOD from a WMS warehouse, the shipment must be automatically confirmed.

If this check box is cleared, you must manually confirm the shipment. New incoming ShipmentBODs can be combined with open shipments.


This check box is available only if no open shipments exist for a WMS warehouse.

Manual Approval of Received Personnel Updates Required

If this check box is selected, you must manually approve the received personnel data before the data can be transferred to the employee sessions in LN.

This parameter applies to new and existing Received Personnel records.


You can approve the personnel data in the Received Personnel Data (tcbod2110m000) session.

XM interface implemented

If this check box is selected, the interface with the Expense Reports module of Infor Expense Management is activated and the required master data can be set up.

Default General Expense

The code of the general expense to be used as default for incoming CodeDefinitionBOD with Expense Types ListID.


This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected.


The description or name of the code.

Default Sundry Cost

The code of the sundry cost to be used as default for incoming CodeDefinitionBOD with Expense Types ListID.


This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected and if the Project (TP) functionality is implemented.


The description or name of the code.

Reimburse Expenses of Internal Employees

If this check box is selected, the expenses related to internal employees are reimbursed. Infor LN creates a purchase invoice for the expense report of the internal employees.


This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected.

Reimburse Expenses of External Employees

If this check box is selected, the expenses related to external employees are reimbursed. Infor LN creates a purchase invoice for the expense report of external employees


This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected.

Expense Invoice Transaction Type

The transaction type used to create a purchase invoice for an expense report. This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected and if one of the Reimburse Expenses of Internal Employees or the Reimburse Expenses of External Employees check boxes are selected. The Transaction Category of the transaction type must be set to Purchase Invoices in the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session.

Expense Invoice Series

The series for expense invoices. Infor LN uses this series to generate document numbers for the purchase invoices of received expense reports. This field is enabled only if the XM interface implemented check box is selected and if one of the Reimburse Expenses of Internal Employees or Reimburse Expenses of External Employees check boxes are selected.

Payroll interface implemented

If this check box is selected, the payroll interface is implemented.

Payroll Ledger Mapping

If this check box is selected, the ledger account for integration transactions that are generated from a PayrollAdviceBOD, is retrieved from the Mapping Scheme. If this check box is cleared, the ledger account for integration transactions that are generated from a PayrollAdviceBOD is included in the PayrollAdviceBOD and is not retrieved from the Mapping Scheme.


This field is enabled only if the Payroll interface implemented check box is selected.

Number Group for Payroll Documents

The code of the number group assigned to payroll documents.


This field is enabled and mandatory if the Payroll interface implemented check box is selected.


The description or name of the code.

Series for Payroll Documents

The code of the series for the payroll document.

  • The series code must have the same number of characters as defined for this number group's series length in the Number Groups (tcmcs0151m000) session.
  • If the number group is dedicated to a specific use, the series code must be unique in the number groups dedicated to the same type of use.
  • This field is enabled and mandatory if the Payroll interface implemented check box is selected.

The description or name of the code.


Print BOD Parameters

Prints the parameter values.