Time Zones in Enterprise Planning

Enterprise Planning uses timezones to convert delivery times to local times and to offset with lead times. It is important that Enterprise Planning considers these time zones when resources like service engineers or means of transport cross time zone borders. The use of a hierarchy of calendars provides another reason for the fact that Enterprise Planning must take into account Time Zones.

In the current LN version, you must specify a time zone for an address in the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session. The reason for this is that Enterprise Planning must look at the address field to take into account the appropriate time zone. When the time zones from one address to another are different, Enterprise Planning takes into account the difference when it offsets the lead time or the time.

time zones and production planning For production planning, Enterprise Planning takes into account the time zone lnked to the workcenter adress to which the resource belongs where the operations to produce the item are carried out. If there is no workcenter address available, Enterprise Planning retrieves the time zone from the address of the department to which the resource belongs.

Time zones and purchase planning

For purchase planning, Enterprise Planning considers the time zone that you specified for the address of the Ship-from Business Partner or the Ship-from Warehouse. When a time difference exists between the time zone of the Ship-to Warehouse and the time zone of the Ship-from Business Partner or the Ship-from Warehouse of, for example, two hours, Enterprise Planning adds/substracts this difference from/to the planned finish date.

Time zones and distribution planning

For distribution planning, Enterprise Planning takes into account the time zone of the address of the Ship-to Warehouse and of the address of the Ship-from Warehouse. When a time difference exists between these two time zones, Enterprise Planning adds/substracts the difference to/from the planned finish date of the planned distribution order that Enterprise Planning created.